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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Rape of the Sun

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Last Updated: Slinkyboy

The Rape of the Sun

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Author: Ian Wallace
Publisher: DAW Books, 1982

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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Dhurk hoped that if he could win acceptance by his beloved Hreda, it would bring him to the top of his wonder world's most advanced strata. And in the way of many a fickle folklore princess, Hreda set him a task. Her cosmic museum would not be complete without a star. Bring me a star, place it among my exhibits, and I will be yours, she declared. But "that" star was Sol, our sun around which revolved our familiar planets and the Earth. Dhurk accepted the challenge - and strange things began to happen to the sun, to the world's source of heat and light, and to humanity's hopes. This is the unique novel of the men and women who set out to stop the theft of the sun - and sought means to meet the unimaginably advanced aliens on their own level.


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