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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books


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Author: Jennifer Roberson
Publisher: DAW Books, 1991
Series: Tiger and Del: Book 4
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
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Accused of murdering a man the Southron tribes believe to be their messiah, but who is actually the slayer of Del's family, Tiger and Del flee across the deadly Punic' desert, hunted by religious zealots and sword-dancer assassins. But evading death by assassins' blades is only one of the challenges they face. For Tiger's sword, Samiel, has been possessed by the spirit of the deadly sorcerer, Chosa Dei -- a wizard out of legend with the power to unmake the entire world, a master of evil who seeks to mold Tiger into his ultimate weapon of destruction.

Tiger and Del have only one hope left-to find and gain the help of Chosa Dei's equally powerful counterpart and sworn enemy, Shako Obre. But Shako Obre has not been seen in the world for hundreds of years, and it may be beyond even the combined magical abilities of Tiger and Del to find this wizard who is their only chance for salvation.


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