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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Songs of Maldoror

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Last Updated: gallyangel

The Songs of Maldoror

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Alternate Title: The Lay of Maldoror
Author: Comte de Lautreamount
Publisher: Penguin Books, 2006
Peter Owen Publishers, 1943
Original English publication, 1924
Original French publication, 1869

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Book Type: Poem
Genre: Fantasy / Horror
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The macabre but beautiful work, Les Chants de Maldoror, has achieved a considerable reputation as one of the earliest and most extraordinary examples of Surrealist writing. It is a long narrative prose poem which celebrates the principle of Evil in an elaborate style and with a passion akin to religious fanaticism.

Insolent and defiant, the Chants de Maldoror, by the self-styled Comte de Lautréamont (1846-70), depicts a sinister and sadistic world of unrestrained savagery and brutality. One of the earliest and most astonishing examples of surrealist writing, it follows the experiences of Maldoror, a master of disguises pursued by the police as the incarnation of evil, as he makes his way through a nightmarish realm of angels and gravediggers, hermaphrodites and prostitutes, lunatics and strange children. Delirious, erotic, blasphemous and grandiose by turns, this hallucinatory novel captured the imagination of artists and writers as diverse as Modigliani, Verlaine, André Gide and André Breton; it was hailed by the twentieth-century Surrealist movement as a formative and revelatory masterpiece.


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