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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Quirk Books

Quirk Books

Founded: 2002
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Quirk Books publishes innovative and buzzworthy books that entertain, amuse, and inform.

Founded in 2002, we publish books that are objects of desire and delight--in the categories of pop culture, humor and gift, horror, sci-fi, and mystery, food and drink, parenting, pets, history, crafts, reference, and of course, "irreference." We publish 25 new titles per year, in print and digital formats.

We are best known as the publishers of the international best-seller PRIDE & PREJUDICE & ZOMBIES and as the creators of the best-selling WORST-CASE SCENARIO SURVIVAL HANDBOOK series—but we do so much more.

Works in the WWEnd Database






Authors Published

• Ian Doescher  • Ben Winters  • Grady Hendrix  • Clay Chapman  • Ransom Riggs  • Jane Austen  • Jon Morris  • James Kennedy  • Jessica Best  • Paul Krueger  • Jenny Kiefer  • Melanie Anderson  • Lisa Kröger  • Lev Tolstoy  • Seth Grahame-Smith  • Rachel Aaron