
A Reader's History of Science Fiction
Astrophysicist and SF enthusiast Alex Howe explores how classic books, movies, and TV influenced the development of the genre and continue to do so today, with book recommendations for each episode.

Adventures in SciFi Publishing
We bring science fiction and fantasy authors to your ears one podcast at a time. We also interview editors, industry experts. and we give our own takes on books, writing, and the publishing industry.

The Adventures of Flash Gordon
Old time radio show of the adventures of Flash Gordon and his companions Dale Arden and Dr. Hans Zarkov.

A monthly SF and short story discussion podcast where we dive in deep and see what we can learn about ourselves and the world. Every month we cover a different short story with a guest.

Every month we present a new work of audio fiction from leading writers in the fields of science fiction and dark fantasy.

A weekly dose of Baen news, contests, suggestions for developing writers and readers, and, above all, lively discussion with a galaxy of authors, artists, and scientists all around the Baen Books universe.

Cast of Wonders is the leading voice in young adult speculative short fiction, founded in 2011. Every week we present short stories from some of today's best genre fiction writers.

The Coode Street Podcast is the BSFA-nominated science fiction and fantasy podcast hosted by Gary K. Wolfe and Jonathan Strahan. It features discussion on topics related to SF and fantasy.

Embark on an extraordinary journey through the captivating world of science fiction. This channel is dedicated to exploring the realms of sci-fi literature, movies, and shows that have shaped our imaginations and influenced our culture.

Testaments Scrawled in Hidden Places and on Nether Things. Join M. Amanuensis Sharkchild in a unique world of horror and fantasy fiction that will follow you to the visions of your sleep.

The Dead Robots' Society, a gathering of aspiring writers podcasting to other aspiring writers, hoping to help each other along the way to the promised land of publication.

Short Stories At the Far Side of Weird - Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Everything In-Between - Narrated and Produced by Norm Sherman

The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine
The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine is what its name says it is. We produce audio files of fiction stories for people to listen to.

Escape Pod is the premier SF podcast magazine, co-edited by Mur Lafferty and Divya Breed. Every week we bring you short stories from some of today’s best science fiction authors.

The Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Actor David Stifel narrates Edgar Rice Burroughs novels, including the Mars Series.

Functional Nerds is a podcast from author/blogger Patrick Hester and musician/blogger John Anealio focusing on science fiction and fantasy media: television, film, comics, and more.

A multiple-interview podcast about two hours long, produced monthly. Hosted by the author and futurist, Stephen Euin Cobb.

Alisa, Alex and Tansy bring you speculative fiction news, reading notes and chat from the galactic suburbs of Australia

Geek's Guide to the Galaxy covers fantasy and SF in literature, film, graphic novels, and video games, as well as related topics such as science, technology, and critical thinking.

Giant Fire Breathing Robot is your source for geeks, games, and gamma rays. Read opinions on what’s going on in the world of board games, video games, anime, role-playing games and more.

The H. P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast
In each weekly podcast, we discuss a specific H.P. Lovecraft story – what it’s about, how it reads, why it may have been written and what other works of art it’s influenced. We regularly have talented guest readers and contributing composers for our music sections.

Part sci-fi audio adventure, part sketch comedy with a dash of new music. HGH follows the self-obsessed Dr. “Oppenheimer” Valdini, who has torn a rift in the fabric of the multiverse.…

Be afraid! Be very afraid. Old Time Radio is filled with ghost stories, mosters, creatures who walk the earth and other tales of the unexplained. Join us as we explore these stories from the depths of hell itself. But leave those lights on!

Bringing hope to the world through Speculative Fiction. Interviews with writers, gamers, creators, and activists with co-hosts Cat Rambo, Alan Bailey, Diane Morison, and Rachel Renee.

For writers and readers who like it dark. We talk about our horror and other dark-themed books. In-depth literary analysis of dark fiction. Conversations with authors, editors, and other industry professionals.

The Legendarium exists primarily as a book club for fantasy and sci-fi, both the classics and the new classics.Tolkien, Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan, and more.

Our podcast features audiobook-style recordings of four of the eight stories we publish each month in Lightspeed.

The Magnus Archives is a weekly horror fiction anthology podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organisation dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird.

Old Gods of Appalachia is an eldritch horror fiction podcast set in an Alternate Appalachia, a world where these mountains were never meant to be inhabited.

The Once And Future Nerd is a serial audioplay about three high school students from modern-day Pennsylvania who find themselves trapped in a world of wizards, elves, and feudal intrigue.

PodCastle is a weekly fantasy podcast producing audio performances of fantasy short fiction, including all the subgenres of fantasy. PodCastle launched on 1 April 2008 as part of Escape Artists, Inc. with Rachel Swirsky as founding editor and Ann Leckie as assistant editor.

PseudoPod is the world's premier horror fiction podcast. For over a decade, PseudoPod has been bringing you the best short horror in audio form, to take with you anywhere. Pseudopod is for mature audiences only. Hardly any story on PseudoPod is suitable for children. We mean this very seriously.

Book club podcast featuring in-depth discussion of some of the most compelling works of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. From classics to new wonders, our crew of geeks gives up their evening to share their totally intelligence responses to the latest book club pick.

Relic Radio Science Fiction brings you old time radio stories from sci-fi's greatest writers, as well as original stories for shows like Dimension X, X Minus 1, 2000 Plus, Beyond Tomorrow, and much more! Travel through space and time as they saw it all those years ago.

The Roundtable Podcast invites writers to workshop their stories with some pretty remarkable people. Each episode is a no-holds-barred dialog about how to transform raw inspirations into a strong and engaging story.

Science Fiction Book Review Podcast
Luke reads a science fiction book, makes some notes, thinks about the book for a few days, then records a review and puts it up on the feed. Then he reads another book.

SciFi Dig is a podcast about science fiction, fantasy, horror, comics and everything in between. The show is a single host host show with many contributors from the SciFi Dig community.

In this Science Fiction Podcast, we share interviews, reviews, and opinions on popular and perhaps not so popular Science Fiction TV shows and movies. Test your geek cred with trivia.

SF in Translation is a science fiction, fantasy, and horror podcast dedicated to the exploration of the translation of speculative fiction. Hosted by Rachel Cordasco.

The mp3 audio companion to sfsignal.com, where we interview notables in the field of speculative fiction and say incredibly intelligent things. Mostly. Usually. OK, accidentally.

SF Squeecast is a periodic podcast in which a group of Science Fiction and Fantasy professionals squee about things Sfnal, in a neverending panel discussion of vague positivity.

Our goal is to tell the world about the cool stuff we were listening to. We think audio is the best medium for Science Fiction literature and drama. We’re not against the dead tree, cathode ray, and celluloid versions, we just know them to be the inferior medium for transmission of story, mood, and ideas.

Signal Boost is a short science fiction, fantasy, and horror interview and discussion podcast. Our interviews focus on boosting the work of a diverse range of authors, writers, artists, and more. Our discussions look at issues of inclusivity and diversity in the SF/F/H community.

Hugo-nominated science fiction, fantasy, and horror podcast featuring interviews with authors, discussions on genre-related topics, and more. Led by an intrepid crew of super geeks and starring an inclusive cast of guests, S&F is certainly *someone’s* definition of a great SF podcast. We hope it’s yours.

All things science fiction, fantasy and horror media: television, film, comics, and new media such as fan films, audio dramas, online animated comics and more.

Speculate! is a podcast for writers, readers, and fans, run by Gregory A. Wilson and Bradley P. Beaulieu. Speculate! will be sharing podcasts of fiction reviews, author and artist interviews and writing technique.

Take a voyage on the Science Fiction podcast StarShipSofa if you dare! Travel into the deepest realms of the classic Sci-fi and science fiction world. Calling at such science fiction destinations as Philip K Dick, Alfred Bester, John Brunner and all the other great Sci Fi writers out there.

The Sword and Laser is a science fiction and fantasy-themed book club, video show and podcast, started by Veronica Belmont and Tom Merritt. The main goal of the club is to build a strong online community of sci-fi / fantasy buffs, and to discuss and enjoy books of both genres.

The idea was simple: take old, cheesy science fiction movies, most of which are based on written works, and discuss them from the ground up. Read the book/story, watch the movie, watch any remakes, and give it all a thorough talking through.

Tales to Terrify is a weekly horror-themed podcast hosted by award-winning horror writer, Lawrence Santoro. Tales... is produced by Tony C. Smith, the owner-host of the Hugo Award winning StarShipSofa.

The This Is Horror Podcast is a weekly show for readers, writers, and creators. We interview writers, artists, publishers, editors, and creatives every week.

Founded in order to connect with other people who are eager to be included in a thoughtful literary conversation about the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Since July 2009, listeners have downloaded more than 1,200,000 lectures.

For over a year, Tor.com has brought you excellent short fiction on our site, but now we’re making the audio of these stories available to you in podcast form. We’ll be bringing you both new fiction and our archived stories, so don’t worry if you’ve missed anything archived on the site.

The Writer and the Critic is a monthly podcast devoted mostly to speculative fiction books, reviews and the odd bit of idle gossip. Hosted by Kirstyn McDermott and Ian Mond.

Writers & Illustrators of the Future Podcast
Contest judges, winners, and industry pros share their amazing life stories and proven tips for writing and illustrating. Listen to these interviews on the Writers & Illustrators of the Furure Podcast.

Fantasy novelist Brandon Sanderson, science-fiction cartoonish Howard Taylor and horror writer Daniel Wells discuss writing techniques in a fast-paced, 15 minute format. Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.