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Laws of Night and Silk

Seth Dickinson

This short story originally appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, #200, May 2016. It can also be found in the anthologies The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 11 (2017), edited by Jonathan Strahan and The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2017, edited by Rich Horton.

Read the full story for free at Beneath Ceaseless Skies.

Silk Roads and Shadows

Susan Shwartz

Alexandra, sister of the dying Emperor of Byzantium, undertakes a mission to smuggle live silkworms from the mysterious Empire of Ch'in. Hounded by ferocious sorcery and an array of magical helpers, she must walk the length of the known world to save an empire threatened by her very existence.


Leslie Marmon Silko

More than thirty-five years since its original publication, Ceremony remains one of the most profound and moving works of Native American literature, a novel that is itself a ceremony of healing.

Tayo, a World War II veteran of mixed ancestry, returns to the Laguna Pueblo Reservation. He is deeply scarred by his experience as a prisoner of the Japanese and further wounded by the rejection he encounters from his people. Only by immersing himself in the Indian past can he begin to regain the peace that was taken from him.

Masterfully written, filled with the somber majesty of Pueblo myth, Ceremony is a work of enduring power.

The Silkie

A. E. Van Vogt

Taking its inspiration from the Celtic legend of the Selkie the novel describes a race of apparent humans with the ability to change into other forms. One, like the Selkie of legend, can live underwater. Another can survive and travel unprotected in outer space. In all three forms the Silkies can wield mental powers over energy to some degree.

After a prologue which purports to explain the origin of the Silkies as an experiment in genetic manipulation, the action moves forward over a hundred years to a future in which the Silkies are numerous and live on Earth. Humanity has assimilated them by means of the Special People, who can establish telepathic rapport with the Silkies. All Silkies are male, and most are married to women of the Special People. They are employed as police in space, and most are comfortable with that role. One dedicated Silkie, Nat Cemp, encounters three different alien races, and with each encounter he gains more powers and learns more about the true nature of the Silkies, and of the Universe.

Silk Road: A Novel of Eighth-Century China

Avalokitesvara: Book 1

Jeanne Larsen

Set during the Tang Dynasty of eighth-century China, a sweeping fantasy tale of Greenpearl, kidnapped by Tibetan raiders, chronicles her dual quest--to learn the language of humans, and to find her long-lost mother.


Daughters of the Sunstone: Book 3

Sydney J. Van Scyoc

Reyna, a princess, and the hunter Juaren share a dream that sets them in conflict with a greedy enemy who seeks their very souls.

The Silk Code

Dr Phil D'Amato: Book 1

Paul Levinson

Phil D'Amato, an NYC forensic detective (also featured in several of Levinson's popular short stories and two subsequent novels), is caught in an ongoing struggle that dates all the way back to the dawn of humanity on Earth--and one of his best friends is a recent casualty. Unless Phil can unravel the genetic puzzle of the Silk Code, he'll soon be just as dead.


Faeries of Dreamdark: Book 2

Laini Taylor

One faerie, the last of her clan, must fight to complete her sacred duty

Whisper Silksinger is the last of the secret guardians of the Azazel, one of the powerful Djinn who dreamed the world into being. Relentlessly pursued by bloodthirsty devils, she flees to the city of Nazneen to restore the Azazel to his temple. At the same time, Hirik Mothmage is also on a secret quest, to find the Azazel and restore his disgraced clan?s ancient honor.

And behind them all flies Magpie Windwitch, first champion of the new age of faeries, desperate to rescue Whisper and the Azazel alike before they fall in the clutches of a sinister hidden enemy.

Prisoner of the Horned Helmet

Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer: Book 1

James Silke

Prisoner of the Horned Helmet introduces suffering hero Gath of Baal. In an age rife with sorcery and violence, the earth trembles beneath the hooves of the all-conquering Kitzaak Horde. To save the peaceful forest people, Gath must don the Horned Helmet and become death made flesh.

Lords of Destruction

Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer: Book 2

James Silke

Only Robin Lakehair's innocent touch can free Gath of Baal from the murderous power of the Death Dealer. When an evil queen summons demons to kill Robin, Gath must don the Horned Helmet again and confront primordial evil to ensure his own freedom.

Based on Frazetta's most famous painting.

Tooth and Claw

Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer: Book 3

James Silke

Inspired by Frank Franzetta's painting, "Death Dealer", this third fantasy features Gath of Baal who sets off to the land beyond dreams in search of the legendary Noon, beautiful Queen of Cats. But one of his companions is a servant of the dreaded Dark Lord, and plans treachery.

Plague of Knives

Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer: Book 4

James Silke

Refugees flee to the castle of Whitetree, where, it is foretold, the White Veshta will rise again. But the evil sorceress queen Tiyy, who wears the mantle of the Black Veshta, seeks the Jewels of Light, and the death of the mortal host of the White Veshta, Robin Lakehair, the beloved of Gath of Baal - the Death Deale.

The Silk Map

Gaunt and Bone: Book 2

Chris Willrich

It's Brent Weeks meets China Mieville in this wildly imaginative fantasy adventure featuring high action, elegant writing, and sword and sorcery with a Chinese flare.

At the end of The Scroll of Years, the poet Persimmon Gaunt and her husband, the thief Imago Bone, had saved their child from evil forces at the price of trapping him within a pocket dimension. Now they will attempt what seems impossible; they will seek a way to recover their son. Allied with Snow Pine, a scrappy bandit who's also lost her child to the Scroll of Years, Gaunt and Bone awaken the Great Sage, a monkeylike demigod of the East, currently trapped by vaster powers beneath a mountain. The Sage knows of a way to reach the Scroll -- but there is a price. The three must seek the world's greatest treasure and bring it back to him. They must find the worms of the alien Iron Moths, whose cocoons produce the wondrous material ironsilk.

And so the rogues join a grand contest waged along three thousand miles of dangerous and alluring trade routes between East and West. For many parties have simultaneously uncovered fragments of the Silk Map, a document pointing the way toward a nest of the Iron Moths. Our heroes tangle with Western treasure hunters, a blind mystic warrior and his homicidal magic carpet, a nomad princess determined to rebuild her father's empire, and a secret society obsessed with guarding the lost paradise where the Moths are found -- even if paradise must be protected by murder.

The Girl in the Green Silk Gown

Ghost Roads: Book 2

Seanan McGuire

The second book in the Ghost Roads series returns to the highways of America, where hitchhiking ghost Rose Marshall continues her battle with her killer--the immortal Bobby Cross.

For Rose Marshall, life began when it ended. She has friends, a home, and a purpose in the strange twilight where she spends her afterlife. Sure, she's an urban legend who didn't live to see her eighteenth birthday, but she's had time to adapt, and while things could be better, she's pretty happy with her lot in death.

At least until Bobby Cross--the man who killed her in the first place--plays his ultimate card in the hole, resulting in her untimely, unwanted resurrection. Suddenly breathing and worse, suddenly mortal, Rose must find a way to solve the riddle she never wanted to contend with: how does a living dead girl make it back to the ghostroads without actually dying?

Her quest will make allies out of enemies and enemies out of allies as she runs from the lands of the living to the lands of the dead, trying to find a way safely home...and safely back to her grave.

There Beneath the Silky-Trees and Whelmed in Deeper Gulphs Than Me

Jack Limekiller

Avram Davidson

Nebula Award nominated novella. It originally appeared in Other Worlds 2 (1980) edited by Roy Torgeson. The story is included in the collection Limekiller! (2003).


Silk: Book 1

Caitlín R. Kiernan

To the residents of her small southern city, second-hand store owner Spyder Baxter is crazy. But her friends and followers know better. Something lives within Spder's brain. Something powerful. Something wonderful. Something dangerous. Pray it never escapes.

Murder of Angels

Silk: Book 2

Caitlín R. Kiernan

Ten years ago, Niki Ky and Daria Parker saw something unspeakable in an old house in Birmingham, Alabama. Daria has denied it, escaping into a frantic music career and various addictions. But Niki has not had so many distractions. Diagnosed schizophrenic, she's lost years in a haze of therapy and anti-psychotics.

But now, Niki's dead lover, Spyder Baxter, is calling to her from another world-an alien, impossible place where Niki is known as a Hierophant, a feared prophesied sorceress who can open a portal between worlds. And Daria will finally have to face what really happened ten years ago, if she's to help Niki save a world... or destroy it.

The Steel Queen

Silk & Steel Saga: Book 1

Karen Azinger

In a medieval world of forgotten magic, mortals are lured to the chessboard of the gods where an epic struggle of lives, loves and crowns hang in the balance, yet few understand the rules. In this game of power, the pawns of light and darkness will make the difference in the battle for the kingdoms of Erdhe: Katherine: a young princess with the stout heart of a warrior will challenge the minions of a thousand-year-old evil. Liandra: The Spider Queen; who uses her beauty to beguile, her spies to foresee, and her gold to control, will need all of her skill and strength to fight a rebellion with her own blood at it's heart. Steffan, the puppeteer, will corrupt the innocent and unwary with greed and desire, as he sets an entire kingdom ablaze.

A Study in Silks

The Baskerville Affair: Book 1

Emma Jane Holloway

Evelina Cooper, the niece of the great Sherlock Holmes, is poised to enjoy her first Season in London Society. But there's a murderer to deal with—not to mention missing automatons, a sorcerer, and a talking mouse.

In a Victorian era ruled by a council of ruthless steam barons, mechanical power is the real monarch and sorcery the demon enemy of the Empire. Nevertheless, the most coveted weapon is magic that can run machines—something Evelina has secretly mastered. But rather than making her fortune, her special talents could mean death or an eternity as a guest of Her Majesty's secret laboratories. What's a polite young lady to do but mind her manners and pray she's never found out?

But then there's that murder. As Sherlock Holmes's niece, Evelina should be able to find the answers, but she has a lot to learn. And the first decision she has to make is whether to trust the handsome, clever rake who makes her breath come faster, or the dashing trick rider who would dare anything for her if she would only just ask.