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The Damnation Game

Clive Barker

Chance had ruled Marty Strauss' life for as long as he could remember. Now at last luck was turning his way. Parolled from prison, he becomes bodyguard to Joseph Whitehead, one of the richest men in Europe. But Whitehead has also played with chance - an ancient game which gave him vast power and wealth, in exchange for his immortal soul. Now the forces he played against are back to claim what's theirs. Terryifying forces, with the power to raise the dead; and Marty is trapped between his human masters and Hell itself, with just one last, desperate game left to play.

The Hellbound Heart

Clive Barker

WFA nominated novella. It originally appeared in the anthology Night Visions 3 (1986), edited by George R.R. Martin.

It was the basis for the 1987 movie Hellraiser.

Drawing Blood

Poppy Z. Brite

Zach is a computer hacker who looks like Edward Scissorhands, and Trevor, a comics artist, is traumatized by his father's murder of his mother and brother 20 years previously. Both on the run from their pasts, they end up as lovers in the town of Missing Mile.

Exquisite Corpse

Poppy Z. Brite

To serial slayer Andrew Compton, murder is an art, the most intimate art. After feigning his own death to escape from prison, Compton makes his way to the United States with the sole ambition of bringing his "art" to new heights. Tortured by his own perverse desires, and drawn to possess and destroy young boys, Compton inadvertently joins forces with Jay Byrne, a dissolute playboy who has pushed his "art" to limits even Compton hadn't previously imagined. Together, Compton and Byrne set their sights on an exquisite young Vietnamese-American runaway, Tran, whom they deem to be the perfect victim.

Swiftly moving from the grimy streets of London's Piccadilly Circus to the decadence of the New Orleans French Quarter, and punctuated by rants from radio talk show host Lush Rimbaud, a.k.a. Luke Ransom, Tran's ex-lover, who is dying of AIDS and who intends to wreak ultimate havoc before leaving this world, Exquisite Corpse unfolds into a labyrinth of murder and love. Ultimately all four characters converge on a singular bloody night after which their lives will be irrevocably changed -- or terminated.

Poppy Z. Brite dissects the landscape of torture and invites us into the mind of a killer. Exquisite Corpse confirms Brite as a writer who defies categorization. It is a novel for those who dare trespass where the sacred and profane become one.

Lost Souls

Poppy Z. Brite

In the French Quarter of New Orleans the Mardi Gras celebrations conceal a different group of pleasure-seekers. For Zillah, Molochai and Twig, the party has been going on for centuries, fuelled by sexual frenzy, green Chartreuse and innocent blood. Born in horror and brought up in suburban Maryland, Nothing has always suspected he's different from other teenagers - and when he has his first taste of human blood, he knows he is right. Ghost is the singer of the band Lost Souls. When Nothing is drawn into Zillah's fatal circle, Ghost has to decide whether to save the boy - or abandon him to his bloody birthright. "Lost Souls" is a dark, decadent and delicious work of fantasy from the mistress of modern horror.


Dave Brockie

From the killing grounds of Stalingrad to the deathcamps of the holocaust. From torture chambers in Iraq to race riots in the United States, the Whargoul was there killing and raping. It is a beast born in bullets and shrapnel, feeding off of pain, misery and hard drugs. Cursed to wander the Earth witout the hope of death, it is reborn again and again to spread the gospel of hate, abuse and genocide.

But what if it's not the only monster out there?
What if there's something worse?

The Troop

Nick Cutter

Once every year, Scoutmaster Tim Riggs leads a troop of boys into the Canadian wilderness for a weekend camping trip--a tradition as comforting and reliable as a good ghost story around a roaring bonfire. But when an unexpected intruder stumbles upon their campsite--shockingly thin, disturbingly pale, and voraciously hungry--Tim and the boys are exposed to something far more frightening than any tale of terror. The human carrier of a bioengineered nightmare. A horror that spreads faster than fear. A harrowing struggle for survival with no escape from the elements, the infected... or one another.

Part Lord of the Flies, part 28 Days Later--and all-consuming--this tightly written, edge-of-your-seat thriller takes you deep into the heart of darkness, where fear feeds on sanity... and terror hungers for more.

The Devil Takes You Home

Gabino Iglesias

A father desperate to salvage what's left of his family--even if it means a descent into violence...

Buried in debt due to his young daughter's illness, his marriage at the brink, Mario reluctantly takes a job as a hitman, surprising himself with his proclivity for violence. After tragedy destroys the life he knew, Mario agrees to one final job: hijack a cartel's cash shipment before it reaches Mexico. Along with an old friend and a cartel-insider named Juanca, Mario sets off on the near-suicidal mission, which will leave him with either a cool $200,000 or a bullet in the skull. But the path to reward or ruin is never as straight as it seems. As the three complicated men travel through the endless landscape of Texas, across the border and back, their hidden motivations are laid bare alongside nightmarish encounters that defy explanation. One thing is certain: even if Mario makes it out alive, he won't return the same.

Little Sister

Dev Jarrett

For her seventh birthday Lucinda's grandfather sends her a homemade doll. Her mother Sharon had a little sister once--and now Lucinda has a "little sister" of her own.

Sharon is a single mother living in a small Texas town. Deke, the boyfriend who recently moved into her house is not the man she thought he was. He's hateful and abusive, like something out of a nightmare.

Deke hates Sharon and her brat, but now he has a plan. All he needs is for things to go his way, and whoever tries to stop him will pay for it. But as Deke soon finds out, things don't always go according to plan.

Soon, Sharon and Lucinda are on a hellish trip across Texas with Deke as he heads for Mexico on the run from the police. Mother and daughter must find some way to escape his horrible, blood-soaked grasp before he kills them both. They have no way out.

All they have is Lucinda's homemade doll.

Everyone knows there's a special kind of magic found in homemade things. When Deke tries to hurt Lucinda and her mother, perhaps he'll see the doll's magic too.

The Fungus

Harry Adam Knight

When a brilliant scientist seeking to solve the problem of world hunger tries to create giant mushrooms through genetic manipulation, what could possibly go wrong?

The mutated spores escape the lab and spread across all of England. Toadstools grow to twenty feet tall, and a case of athlete's foot can mean a grisly and horrible death.

But those who die quickly are the lucky ones. Those who survive infection by the fungus will be transformed into something unthinkably monstrous ...

Bad Brains

Kathe Koja

Still reeling from his divorce, would-be painter Austen takes a fall in a 7-Eleven parking lot that leaves him with brain damage and strange visions, a madness that sends him on a cross-country odyssey of debauchery and pain.

Amara: To Wake the Dead

Richard Laymon

An ancient beauty...

Amara was once the Princess of Egypt, the beautiful wife of Mentuhotep the First. Now, 4000 years later, she and her coffin are merely prized exhibits of the Charles Ward museum. Her lovely face and strong, young body are no more. If you were to look at her today you would see only a brittle bundle of bones and dried skin. But looks can be very deceiving...

A missing mummy...

Barney, the museum's night watchman, is the first to make the shocking discovery that the mummy's coffin has been broken open. He immediately assumes it's the work of grave-robbers who care nothing about the sanctity of the dead. But Barney doesn't have a chance to do anything about it. Then two security guards come upon the open coffin and they too believe that the mummy has been stolen. What else could sane men think? By the time they realize the unbelievable truth, it's far too late for them to do anything... ever again.

The walking dead!

Now Amara is once again freed from the cramped confines of her coffin, free to walk the earth, free to stalk her prey. Free to kill. Nothing can satisfy her deadly bloodlust. And no one can stop her. You cannot kill what is already dead.


Richard Laymon

Something deadly has come to town-a slimy, slithering... thing like nothing anyone has seen before. With its dull eyes and its hideous mouth, it's always hunting for a new host to burrow into, and humans are the perfect prey. But the truly shocking part is not what it does to you when it invades your body-it's what it makes you do to others.


Richard Laymon

The Funland Amusement Park provides more fear than fun these days. A vicious pack known as the Trolls are preying on anyone foolish enough to be alone at night. Folks in the area blame them for the recent mysterious disappearances, and a gang of local teenagers has decided to fight back. But nothing is ever what it seems in an amusement park. Behind the garish paint and bright lights waits a horror far worse than anything found in the freak show. Step right up. The terror is about to begin!

The Traveling Vampire Show

Richard Laymon

When the one-night-only Traveling Vampire Show arrives in town, promising the only living vampire in captivity, beautiful Valeria, three local teenages venture where they do not belong, and discover much more than they bargained for.


Graham Masterton

Californian James Falcon's compelling Romanian mother told him so many folk stories that by the time he reaches college in 1943, he is something of an expert on the strigoi, the legendary, undying vampires who infested the most isolated forests of Wallachia. Mostly as a joke, he writes a term paper on the strigoi.

But the joke turns serious when US counterintelligence approach him to recruit his expertise. James hunts down strigoi murderers in war-ravaged Europe, Nazi assassins hired to run down run down the French and Belgian resistance in exchange for Transylvanian independence, although the principal one, the terrible Dorin Duca, continues to elude him. In the Cold War, he must fight once more, as Duca goes on the rampage, spreading his strigoi infection all across London, England.

Ladies' Night

Jack Ketchum

New York City. A Hot summer evening.

A tanker on an unscheduled run lies like a huge cracked egg in the middle of Broadway, its unidentified spill spread wide across the street.

Its smell is cloyingly sweet. And it's everywhere

Night now, and Tom Braun is sitting in his neighborhood bar.

His wife and his boy are at home in their apartment just a few blocks away.

He's had yet another fight with her and is looking to steady his nerves and drown his sorrows and maybe-- if he's lucky--snaga little something on the side. It's happened before.

Earlier he'd witnesses a girl go suddenly and violently berserk at a rooftop party in his highrise apartment building. He assumed it was nothing but a bizarre isolated incident.

But the women in the bar are very strange tonight.

The Girl Next Door

Jack Ketchum

Suburbia. Shady, tree-lined streets, well-tended lawns and cozy homes. A nice, quiet place to grow up. Unless you are teenage Meg or her crippled sister, Susan. On a dead-end street, in the dark damp basement of the Chandler house, Meg and Susan are left captive to the savage whims and rages of a distant aunt who is rapidly descending into madness. It is a madness that infects all three of her sons and finally the entire neighborhood. Only one troubled boy stands hesitantly between Meg and Susan and their, cruel, torturous deaths. A boy with a very adult decision to make.


Robert R. McCammon

A UFO crash sends a small Texas town into uproar

The sun rises on Inferno and Bordertown: patches of civilization carved out of the tough Texas earth, watching each other and waiting to see which dies first. The copper mine is finished, and both towns-one for the whites and one for the Mexicans-are wasting away. Now a pair of mysterious visitors is about to make them shrink faster.

The black ball lands first. A small sphere, snapped off of an alien ship as it plummets through the atmosphere, it explodes onto Jessie Hammond's truck. When Jessie's daughter picks it up, the object possesses the young girl's body and begins trying to communicate. As Jessie tries to rescue her daughter, something far more deadly sets down in the desert. An interstellar war has come to Texas, and Inferno is going to burn.

The Torture Garden

Octave Mirbeau

Following the twin trails of desire and depravity to a shocking, sadistic paradise - a garden in China where torture is practiced as an art form - a dissolute Frenchman discovers the true depths of degradation beyond his prior bourgeois imaginings. Entranced by a resolute Englishwoman whose capacity for debauchery knows no bounds, he capitulates to her every whim amid an ecstatic yet tormenting incursion of visions, scents, caresses, pleasures, horrors, and fantastic atrocities.

No One Gets Out Alive

Adam Nevill

Darkness lives within...

Cash-strapped, working for agencies and living in shared accommodation, Stephanie Booth feels she can fall no further. So when she takes a new room at the right price, she believes her luck has finally turned. But 82 Edgware Road is not what it appears to be.

It's not only the eerie atmosphere of the vast, neglected house, or the disturbing attitude of her new landlord, Knacker McGuire, that makes her uneasy - it's the whispers behind the fireplace, the scratching beneath floors, the footsteps in the dark, and the young women weeping in neighbouring rooms. And when Knacker's cousin Fergal arrives, the danger goes vertical.

But this is merely a beginning, a gateway to horrors beyond Stephanie's worst nightmares. And in a house where no one listens to the screams, will she ever get out alive?


Joyce Carol Oates

Meet Quentin P.

He is a problem for his professor father and his loving mother, though of course they do not believe the charge (sexual molestation of a minor) that got him in that bit of trouble.

He is a challenge for his court-appointed psychiatrist, who nonetheless is encouraged by the increasingly affirmative quality of his dreams and his openness in discussing them.

He is a thoroughly sweet young man for his wealthy grandmother, who gives him more and more, and can deny him less and less.

He is the most believable and thoroughly terrifying sexual psychopath and killer ever to be brought to life in fiction, as Joyce Carol Oates achieves her boldest and most brilliant triumph yet-a dazzling work of art that extends the borders of the novel into the darkest heart of truth.

Johnny Gruesome

Gregory Lamberson

Johnny Grissom—nicknamed "Johnny Gruesome" by his high school classmates—is a heavy metal hellion who loves to party, watch horror movies, and get into fights. One winter night, Johnny's car, The Death Mobile, is discovered submerged beneath the icy surface of Willow Creek, with Johnny's waterlogged corpse inside. The townspeople believe that his death was accidental. But soon the murders begin—horrible acts of violent vengeance that hint at a deepening mystery and terror yet to come. A headless body is discovered at the high school, a priest is forced to confront his own misdeeds, and a mortician encounters the impossible. The sound of a car engine and maniacal laughter fill the night, and one by one, Johnny's enemies meet a grisly demise. The students at Red Hill High School begin to fear for their lives—especially Johnny's closest friends, who all harbor a dark secret.

The Bridge

John Skipp
Craig Spector

Paradise is a small industrial city in Pennsylvania that’s about to become Ground Zero for the end of the world. For far too long, we’ve been poisoning the planet with toxic waste. Not any more. This morning something finally woke up in Paradise. It’s intelligent, virulent and ambitious. It’s everywhere, in the water we drink, the air we breathe. And it won’t be satisfied until we’re gone.

William Gibson's Alien 3

Aliens Universe: Alien Quartet: Book 4

William Gibson

This is the official adaptation of the original screenplay for Alien 3, written by William Gibson, the award-winning science fiction author of the cyberpunk cult classic Neuromancer. You'll see familiar characters and places – but not all is the same in this horrifying Cold War thriller.

After the deadly events of the film Aliens, the spaceship Sulaco carrying the sleeping bodies of Ripley, Hicks, Newt, and Bishop are intercepted by the Union of Progressive Peoples. What the U.P.P. forces don't expect is another deadly passenger that is about to unleash chaos between two governmental titans intent on developing the ultimate cold war weapon of mass destruction.

Book of the Dead

Book of the Dead: Book 1

John Skipp
Craig Spector

Book of the Dead is an anthology of horror stories first published in 1989, edited by John Skipp and Craig Spector. All the stories in the anthology are united by the same premise seen in the apocalyptic films of George A. Romero, depicting a worldwide outbreak of zombies and various reactions to it. The first book was followed three years later by a follow-up, Still Dead: Book of the Dead 2, with a new group of writers tackling the same premise, though the second book put the stories in order according to their imagined chronology of the zombie takeover.

Still Dead: Book of the Dead 2

Book of the Dead: Book 2

John Skipp
Craig Spector

An anthology of horror stories based on the universe of George A. Romero features stories by Nancy Collins, Douglas Winter, and Bram Stoker Award-winner Elizabeth Massie, and includes the lost original script for Romero's Day of the Dead.

Books of Blood, Volume I

Books of Blood: Book 1

Clive Barker

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction - essay by Ramsey Campbell
  • The Book of Blood - (1984) - short story by Clive Barker
  • The Midnight Meat Train - novelette by Clive Barker
  • The Yattering and Jack - novelette by Clive Barker
  • Pig Blood Blues - novelette by Clive Barker
  • Sex, Death and Starshine - novelette by Clive Barker
  • In the Hills, the Cities - novelette by Clive Barker

Books of Blood: Volumes 1-3

Books of Blood: Omnibus: Book 1

Clive Barker

With the 1984 publication of Books of Blood, Clive Barker became an overnight literary sensation. He was hailed by Stephen King as "the future of horror," and won both the British and World Fantasy Awards. Now, with his numerous bestsellers, graphic novels, and hit movies like the Hellraiser films, Clive Barker has become an industry unto himself. But it all started here, with this tour de force collection that rivals the dark masterpieces of Edgar Allan Poe. Read him. And rediscover the true meaning of fear.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction (Books of Blood) - (1984) - essay by Ramsey Campbell
  • Books of Blood, Volume I - [Books of Blood - 1] - (1984) - collection
  • The Book of Blood - (1984) - short story
  • The Midnight Meat Train - (1984) - novelette
  • The Yattering and Jack - (1984) - novelette
  • Pig Blood Blues - (1984) - novelette
  • Sex, Death and Starshine - (1984) - novelette
  • In the Hills, the Cities - (1984) - novelette
  • Books of Blood, Volume II - [Books of Blood - 2] - (1984) - collection
  • Dread - (1984) - novelette
  • Hell's Event - (1984) - novelette
  • Jacqueline Ess: Her Will and Testament - (1984) - novelette
  • The Skins of the Fathers - (1984) - novelette
  • New Murders in the Rue Morgue - (1984) - novelette
  • Books of Blood, Volume III - [Books of Blood - 3] - (1984) - collection
  • Son of Celluloid - (1984) - novelette
  • Rawhead Rex - (1984) - novelette
  • Confession of a (Pornographer's) Shroud - (1984) - novelette
  • Scape-Goats - (1984) - novelette
  • Human Remains - (1984) - novelette

Off Season

Dead River: Book 1

Jack Ketchum

A beautiful New York editor retreats to a lonely cabin on a hill in the quiet Maine beach town of Dead River, during the off season; awaiting her sister and friends. Nearby, a savage human family with a taste for flesh lurks in the darkening woods, watching, waiting for the moon to rise and night to fall. This novel appears for the first time in its original unexpurgated of the authors vision. The original publisher refused to publish it in this version in 1980. Now available only in this edition with an introduction by Douglas E. Winter.


Dead River: Book 2

Jack Ketchum

The local sheriff of Dead River, Maine, thought he had killed them off ten years ago - a primitive, cave-dwelling tribe of cannibalistic savages. But somehow the clan survived. To breed. To hunt. To kill. To eat. And now the peaceful residents of this isolated town are fighting for their lives.

The Woman

Dead River: Book 3

Jack Ketchum

The Woman is the powerful story of the last survivor of a feral tribe of cannibals who have terrorized the east coast of Maine into Canada for years now. Badly wounded in a battle with police, she takes refuge in a cave overlooking the sea. Christopher Cleek is a slick, amoral--and unstable--country lawyer who, out hunting one day, sees her bathing in a stream. Fascinated, he follows her to her cave. Cleek has many dark secrets and to these he'll add another. He will capture her, lock her in his fruit celler, and tame her, civilize her. To this end he'ii enlist his long-suffering wife Belle, his teenage son and daughter Brian and Peg, and even his little girl Darlin', to aid him. So the question becomes, who is more savage? The hunter or the game?

Dr. Adder

Dr. Adder: Book 1

K. W. Jeter

A ground breaking science fiction novel in the style of Philip K. Dick!

Los Angeles: The Day After Tomorrow --- home to freaks and whores, drug dealers and assassins, the pit into which the nation's hopeless youth and hippest power mongers have fallen, each in search of the ultimate thrill, the final answer. And only one man in LA knows what that answer is Dr. Adder!! In LA's Rattown, he's king --- the master who can probe your psyche to its secret depths and then carve your darkest dreams into living reality in your own or someone else's flesh.

But in the wider world another king is leading a reign of moral terror --- Mox, who's peddling salvation to the masses and preaching for an end to Adder's rule. A violent end!!

The Drive-In: A B-Movie with Blood and Popcorn, Made in Texas

Drive-In: Book 1

Joe R. Lansdale

When a group of friends decided to spend a day at the world's largest Drive-In theater horror fest, they expected to see tons of bloody murders, rampaging madmen, and mayhem - but only on the screen. As a mysterious force traps all the patrons inside the Drive-In, the worst in humanity comes out.

Filled with Lansdale's razor whit and black humor, The Drive-In is a darkly humorous masterpiece! Collected here is the complete four issue series with bonus material including a new interview with Lansdale himself about the writing of The Drive-In.


Hater: Book 1

David Moody


Society is rocked by a sudden increase in the number of violent assaults on individuals. Christened 'Haters' by the media, the attackers strike without warning, killing all who cross their path. The assaults are brutal, remorseless and extreme: within seconds, normally rational, self-controlled people become frenzied, vicious killers. There are no apparent links as a hundred random attacks become a thousand, then hundreds of thousands. Everyone, irrespective of gender, age, race or any other difference, has the potential to become a victim - or a Hater.

People are afraid to go to work, afraid to leave their homes and, increasingly, afraid that at any moment their friends, even their closest family, could turn on them with ultra violent intent. Waking up each morning, no matter how well defended, everyone must now consider the fact that by the end of the day, they might be dead. Or perhaps worse, become a killer themselves. As the status quo shifts, ATTACK FIRST, ASK QUESTIONS LATER becomes the order of the day... only, the answers might be much different than what you expect....

The Hellbound Heart

Hellraiser: Book 1

Clive Barker

Frank Cotton's insatiable appetite for the dark pleasures of pain led him to the puzzle of Lemarchand's box, and from there, to a death only a sick-minded soul could invent. But his brother's love-crazed wife, Julia, has discovered a way to bring Frank back-though the price will be bloody and terrible... and there will certainly be hell to pay.


Infected: Book 1

Scott Sigler

A terrifying thriller that will crawl beneath your skin . . . and leave fresh blood on every page.

A mysterious disease is turning thousands of ordinary Americans into raving, paranoid murderers who inflict brutal horrors on strangers, their own families, and even themselves. And one morning, ex–football star Perry Dawsey awakens to find mysterious welts growing all over his body. Soon Perry finds himself acting and thinking strangely, hearing voices, fighting uncontrollable rage . . . he is infected. Worse, the disease wants something from him, something that could alter the fate of the human race.


Infected: Book 2

Scott Sigler

From the acclaimed author of Infected comes an epic and exhilarating story of humanity's secret battle against a horrific enemy.

Across America, a mysterious pathogen transforms ordinary people into raging killers, psychopaths driven by a terrifying, alien agenda. The human race fights back, yet after every battle the disease responds, adapts, using sophisticated strategies and brilliant ruses to fool its pursuers. The only possible explanation: the epidemic is driven not by evolution but by some malevolent intelligence.

Standing against this unimaginable threat is a small group, assembled under the strictest secrecy. Their best weapon is hulking former football star Perry Dawsey, left psychologically shattered by his own struggles with this terrible enemy, who possesses an unexplainable ability to locate the disease's hosts. Violent and unpredictable, Perry is both the nation's best hope and a terrifying liability. Hardened CIA veteran Dew Phillips must somehow forge a connection with him if they're going to stand a chance against this maddeningly adaptable opponent. Alongside them is Margaret Montoya, a brilliant epidemiologist who fights for a cure even as she reels under the weight of endless horrors.

These three and their team have kept humanity in the game, but that's not good enough anymore, not when the disease turns contagious, triggering a fast countdown to Armageddon. Meanwhile, other enemies join the battle, and a new threat — one that comes from a most unexpected source — may ultimately prove the most dangerous of all.

Catapulting the reader into a world where humanity's life span is measured in hours and the president's finger hovers over the nuclear button, rising star Scott Sigler takes us on a breathtaking, hyper-adrenalized ride filled with terror and jaw-dropping action. Contagious is a truly grand work of suspense, science, and horror from a new master.

Patient Zero

Joe Ledger: Book 1

Jonathan Maberry

When you have to kill the same terrorist twice in one week there's either something wrong with your world or something wrong with your skills... and there's nothing wrong with Joe Ledger's skills. And that's both a good, and a bad thing. It's good because he's a Baltimore detective that has just been secretly recruited by the government to lead a new taskforce created to deal with the problems that Homeland Security can't handle. This rapid response group is called the Department of Military Sciences or the DMS for short. It's bad because his first mission is to help stop a group of terrorists from releasing a dreadful bio-weapon that can turn ordinary people into zombies. The fate of the world hangs in the balance....

The Rats

Rats: Book 1

James Herbert

It was only when the bones of the first devoured victims were discovered that the true nature and power of these swarming black creatures with their razor-sharp teeth and the taste for human blood began to be realized by a panic-stricken city. For millions of years man and rats had been natural enemies. But now for the first time - suddenly, shockingly, horribly - the balance of power had shifted...


Rats: Book 2

James Herbert

The mutant white rat had grown and mated, creating offspring in its own image. They dominated the others, the dark-furred ones, who foraged for food and brought it back to the Lair. The Dark rats were restless, tormented by a craving they could not satisfy - but the white slug-like thing that ruled them knew. Its two heads weaved to and fro, and a stickiness drooled from its mouth, as it remembered the taste of human flesh.


Slugs: Book 1

Shaun Hutson

They slime, the ooze, they kill...

One female slug can lay one and half million eggs a year- a fact which holds terrifying consequences for the people of Merton. As the town basks in the summer heat, a new breed of slug is growing and multiplying. In the waist-high grass, in the dank, dark cellars they are acquiring new tastes, new cravings. For blood. For flesh. Human flesh...

Splatterpunks: Extreme Horror

Splatterpunks: Book 1

Paul M. Sammon


  • xvii - Introduction (Splatterpunks: Extreme Horror) - (1990) - essay by Paul M. Sammon
  • 1 - Night They Missed the Horror Show - (1988) - shortstory by Joe R. Lansdale
  • 18 - The Midnight Meat Train - (1984) - novelette by Clive Barker
  • 46 - Film at Eleven - (1988) - shortstory by John Skipp [as by John M. Skipp ]
  • 63 - Red - (1986) - shortstory by Richard Christian Matheson
  • 66 - A Life in the Cinema - (1988) - shortstory by Mick Garris
  • 84 - Less Than Zombie - (1989) - shortstory by Douglas E. Winter
  • 99 - Rapid Transit - [Dennis Cassady] - (1985) - shortstory by Wayne Allen Sallee
  • 112 - While She Was Out - (1988) - shortstory by Edward Bryant
  • 132 - Meathouse Man - (1976) - novelette by George R. R. Martin
  • 160 - Reunion Moon - (1990) - shortstory by Rex Miller
  • 167 - I Spit in Your Face: Films That Bite - (1989) - essay by Chas. Balun
  • 184 - Freaktent - shortstory by Nancy A. Collins
  • 197 - Crucifax Autumn: Chapter 18--The Censored Chapter - (1988) - shortfiction by Ray Garton
  • 211 - Goosebumps - (1987) - shortstory by Richard Christian Matheson
  • 218 - Goodbye, Dark Love - (1986) - shortstory by Roberta Lannes
  • 225 - Full Throttle - (1990) - novelette by Philip Nutman
  • 264 - City of Angels - (1990) - shortstory by Jay Russell [as by J. S. Russell ]
  • 272 - Outlaws - (1990) - essay by Paul M. Sammon

The Cellar

The Beast House Chronicles: Book 1

Richard Laymon

Arguably Laymon's most celebrated and most infamous novel, The Cellar is the first book in his Beast House Chronicles. Only the bravest tourists dare to venture inside the sealed-up Beast House, long rumored to be haunted. But the creature that lives in the cellar is no ghost, and its hungry!

My Heart Is a Chainsaw

The Lake Witch: Book 1

Stephen Graham Jones

Jade Daniels is an angry, half-Indian outcast with an abusive father, an absent mother, and an entire town that wants nothing to do with her. She lives in her own world, a world in which protection comes from an unusual source: horror movies... especially the ones where a masked killer seeks revenge on a world that wronged them. And Jade narrates the quirky history of Proofrock as if it is one of those movies. But when blood actually starts to spill into the waters of Indian Lake, she pulls us into her dizzying, encyclopedic mind of blood and masked murderers, and predicts exactly how the plot will unfold.

Yet, even as Jade drags us into her dark fever dream, a surprising and intimate portrait emerges... a portrait of the scared and traumatized little girl beneath the Jason Voorhees mask: angry, yes, but also a girl who easily cries, fiercely loves, and desperately wants a home. A girl whose feelings are too big for her body.

Don't Fear the Reaper

The Lake Witch: Book 2

Stephen Graham Jones

Four years after her tumultuous senior year, Jade Daniels is released from prison right before Christmas when her conviction is overturned. But life beyond bars takes a dangerous turn as soon as she returns to Proofrock. Convicted Serial Killer, Dark Mill South, seeking revenge for thirty-eight Dakota men hanged in 1862, escapes from his prison transfer due to a blizzard, just outside of Proofrock, Idaho.

Dark Mill South's Reunion Tour began on December 12th, 2019, a Thursday.

Thirty-six hours and twenty bodies later, on Friday the 13th, it would be over.

The Angel of Indian Lake

The Lake Witch: Book 3

Stephen Graham Jones

It's been four years in prison since Jade Daniels last saw her hometown of Proofrock, Idaho, the day she took the fall, protecting her friend Letha and her family from incrimination. Since then, her reputation, and the town, have changed dramatically.

There's a lot of unfinished business in Proofrock, from serial killer cultists to the rich trying to buy Western authenticity. But there's one aspect of Proofrock no one wants to confront... until Jade comes back to town.

The curse of the Lake Witch is waiting, and now is the time for the final stand.