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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

N. Trevor Brierly

Added By: gallyangel
Last Updated: gallyangel

N. Trevor Brierly

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Full Name: N. Trevor Brierly
Occupation: Literature Scholar, Software Engineer, Editor, Writer
Nationality: American


N. Trevor Brierly is a literature scholar and software engineer living in Northern Virginia. He has published and presented on Dune, Tolkien, worldbuilding, Shakespeare, and Northrup Frye.

N. Trevor Brierly tells computers what to do for a living, but has wide-ranging interests in literature (especially Tolkien), religion, history, science, technology and art. He has a BA in English from George Mason University and an MLIS from University of Texas-Austin and is working on a degree from Signum. He is currently working on a book of meditations for people who are recovering from spiritual abuse. He lives in Northern Virginia with 4 miniature tigers, 3,000 books and an extremely patient spouse.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Dune Nonfiction

 3. (2022)