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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books by Award

Otherwise Award

Otherwise Award

From the official site: In February of 1991 at WisCon (the world's only feminist-oriented science fiction convention), award-winning SF author Pat Murphy announced the creation of the Otherwise Award (formerly the James Tiptree, Jr. Award), an annual literary prize for science fiction or fantasy that expands or explores our understanding of gender. Pat created the award in collaboration with author Karen Joy Fowler. The aim of the award is not to look for work that falls into some narrow definition of political correctness, but rather to seek out work that is thought-provoking, imaginative, and perhaps even infuriating. The Otherwise Award is intended to reward those writers and other creative artists who are bold enough to contemplate shifts and changes in gender roles, a fundamental aspect of any society.

About the Otherwise Award

Selection Process

Each year the Otherwise Award motherboard appoints a panel of five jurors to read and discuss among themselves the merits of gender-bending fiction published in the previous year.

At the end of a year of reading and deliberation, the jurors choose the winner(s). The jury's only charge is to look for science fiction and fantasy that "explores and expands gender." Each set of jurors refines and re-examines their own definitions of that phrase.

Details are from the official site.

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