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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

David Britton

Added By: Engelbrecht
Last Updated: Engelbrecht

David Britton

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Full Name: David Britton
Born: February 18, 1945
Died: December 29, 2020
Occupation: Author, Artist, Publisher
Nationality: English


David Britton was a British author, artist, and publisher. In the 1970s he founded Weird Fantasy and Crucified Toad, a series of small press magazines of the speculative fiction and horror genres. In 1976, Britton founded the publisher and distributor Savoy Books with Michael Butterworth, who he had met in the early seventies. At the time, Britton was running the bookshop The House on the Borderland in Manchester.

In 1989, Britton wrote Lord Horror, published by Savoy Books, which was a dystopian horror with a central character based on Nazi collaborator William Joyce, also known as Lord Haw-Haw. This became the last publication to be banned under the United Kingdom's Obscene Publications Act in 1992, with Britton serving a jail term at HM Prison Manchester. The ruling was later overturned on appeal after a defence led by human rights barrister Geoffrey Robertson.

For a full biography, see:

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Lord Horror

 1. (1989)
 2. (1996)
 3. (2001)