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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2016-04-05 5:00 PM (#13168 - in reply to #13139)
Subject: Re: Apocalypse Now 2016 Reading Challenge
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Uber User

Posts: 616
Location: New Zealand
In trying to define what it is I don't like about apocalyptic fiction I have come to the realisation that the only real reason I have is that it is very popular at the moment. Every time I pick up a book it seems to start with 'after the apocalypse...' or variations thereof. I am simply reacting to this with a oh no, not another one jumping on the current bandwagon, and putting it back on the shelf. This may be unfair, and so I want to test myself and see if, in fact, I really don't like it, or I could grow to like it more.

Oddly enough, if you put the word 'zombie' in front of the word 'apocalypse' then I'll buy it right then and there. So I'm trying to read some of the 'classics' of the apocalyptic fiction sub-genre, and avoiding all zombies.

I recently read Station Eleven, which I found dull. And the Southern Reach trilogy, which is sort of a coming apocalypsy feel, which I utterly adored. I quite liked Kim Stanley Robinson's Forty Signs of Rain series, it seemed very realistic to me, particularly as I have lived on a small Pacific island which is likely to go under the waves within the next hundred years. I like Mira Grant's zombie trilogy, but was bored with her most recent one, and had to struggle my way through the last book. J.G. Ballard's The Drowning World was good. I didn't care for the Oyrx and Crake books and I disliked The Handmaid's Tale. Couldn't get into Canticle for Leibowitz at all, even though I really wanted to. I do like John Wyndham, particularly The Chrysalids.

So suggest away, I'm willing to give it a good go. Feel free to check which books I have chosen for this challenge and suggest alternatives I might like.

Edited by Weesam 2016-04-05 5:01 PM

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