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Posted 2014-12-27 10:25 AM (#9050 - in reply to #5992)
Subject: Re: 2014 I Just HAVE To Read More Of That Author Challenge
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Uber User

Posts: 37
Thanks! I'm still missing a few summaries that might not make it up until 2015, but they'll be along at some point. Here's my summary:

Based on reading and enjoying Leviathan Wakes, I read the next two books in James S.A. Corey's series. I'm hoping to read Cibola Burn (and whatever the next one is) next year. This series is just so much fun.

Based on enjoying Snow Crash and the Diamond Age, I read Neal Stephenson's Anathem. I loved this one, and am working on finishing my review today. I'm planning on continuing his work with the Baroque Cycle next year.

Based on enjoying Spin and The Chronoliths, I read Robert Charles Wilson's Axis. I'll read the final book of the Spin trilogy, Vortex, next year. I think The Chronoliths is still my favorite of his novels, which I guess means I have weird taste (it seems like everyone I've spoken to likes Spin the best).

Based on enjoying The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, I read the second two books in N.K. Jemisin's fantasy trilogy. I'm now caught up with all her books, but it looks like she has another (The Fifth Season) coming out sometime next year.

Based on enjoying Tim Power's novels (Declare and Anubis Gates), I read Dinner at Deviant's Palace, which is a seriously weird book.

Based on enjoying the first of Valente's YA Fairyland series with cumbersome titles, I read the second one. I thought it wasn't quite as neat as the first, but I still liked it.

Based on my fondness for Discworld, I read Terry Pratchett's "Going Postal". There are so many more Discworld novels that I have left to read!

Based on my enjoyment of The Prestige (book & movie), I read Christopher Priest's The Islanders. I thought it was really fun, though it definitely isn't a traditional novel.

Based on my love of Moxyland and Zoo City, I read Lauren Beukes The Shining Girls. It was pretty much a completely different genre (mystery-horror?), and while I enjoyed it... I like Beukes's SF more.

Based on my enjoyment of Max Gladstone's Three Parts Dead, I read Two Serpents Rise (the next in his Craft series). I didn't like it as much as the first, but it was still interesting enough for me to want to continue reading his work.

And to Jontlaw: I'm planning to read The Faded Sun next year, it's good to hear that you liked them! I thought the Leviathan trilogy was pretty fun .

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