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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2015-04-13 4:14 PM (#10124 - in reply to #9162)
Subject: Re: The Definitive 1950s Reading Challenge
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Uber User

Posts: 614
Location: New Zealand
Finished 1958. I have mixed feelings about A Case of Conscience. It started well, but then it all fell about half way through.

On the other hand, I loved Who?. I finished off A Case of Conscience yesterday evening and thought I'd just read a couple of chapters of Who?, but before I knew it I had finished. Not a long book, but well worth reading. And now I really must check out more Budrys. Why have I failed to read him before?

1959's selections will be Time Out of Joint and Dorsai.

Edited by Weesam 2015-04-13 4:17 PM

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