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Posted 2017-01-08 5:10 PM (#15011 - in reply to #14868)
Subject: Re: The Pick & Mix in 2017
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
I finished John Wyndham's short novel, Chocky,and found it quite pleasant,though very low key indeed. I also completed Greg Bear's Moving Mars,making it 36/52 Nebula winners read.I found it a bit of an oddity really,with the first section being a young adult romance,with a whiney perverse heroine who irritated the life out of me ,so that I never really had enough empathy with her throughout the whole book. The next section followed her into a life of martian politics,small plucky underdogs against terran transnationals determined to have their way(you all know how much I LURVE martian politics as I slog through KSR!),and the final part is how Mars uses some very odd(slightly risible IMO) future science to move Mars to safety in another part of the galaxy.I think some ''handwavium'' may have featured in the lab! Bear might have good ideas,but his writing skills didnt live up to them in my view.Oh well,what do I know,it won the Nebula and was Hugo,Locus,and Campbell nominated.
It was at least fast paced and I did like the world setting,and the 460 pages went by quickly..
Will keep on with Green Mars,and also have Terry Bisson's Voyage to the Red Planet at hand. I seem to be overwhelmed with books about Mars this month

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