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Random quote: "We are bits of stellar matter that got cold by accident, bits of a star gone wrong." - Sir Arthur Eddington
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My Universe
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Posted 2021-09-04 5:34 AM (#23397)
Subject: My Universe

New User

Posts: 2
Location: Kent, UK

We all probably have a vision of of what the universe is really like. WHAT IS YOURS? - This is mine:

In my universe, the real universe, as I like to think of it, the stars are teeming with life, mostly humanoid.

With over two hundred and fifty billion stars in our galaxy alone, the odds on there being life out there, are so overwhelming, that I cannot imagine it any other way. It is only our narrow viewpoint; 'if I can't touch it, it isn't real', that prevents us from accepting things as they really should be.

DON'T LET THE SUN GO BROWN starts to explore the space opera concept, that not only are we not alone, our world is but a sample of what is OUT THERE.

Just imagine a scientific experiment, with 4 scientists in a hollowed-out asteroid, at the edge of our solar system. Things start to become strange when Geoff is accidently mind-swapped down to this uninviting but beautiful place. Did I mention that they all get snatched by aliens?


If anybody would like a free copy of this book in exchange for a review, please let me know

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