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WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posted 2012-12-28 4:41 PM (#4427)
Subject: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

We've just launched the Women of Genre Fiction Reading Challenge for 2013!  If you have any questions or comments on the challenge this is the place to post them.  As always we love to get feedback from our members so let us know what you think!

In anticipation of a few questions I'll just mention 2 things here to supplemnet the info on the WoGF page.

- Yes.  We will be adding more women authors all year.  If we get enough requests for a particular author we'll add them in.  No self published authors please.  (Unless they're established authors who are self publishing their work now.)  This is a quality control issue and a practical limit to the amount of time we have to make updates.

- Yes.  We will be adding more books by the women authors we have in our database.  We aknowledge our shortcomings in this regard and are working feverishly to improve the available pool of books.  If we don't have a book that you intend to read for your challenge please let us know and we'll get them added as soon as we can.  There is a missing books thread for these requests.  Any fiction book by the authors in our database is fair game for the challenge.

Welcome to the challenge!

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Posted 2012-12-28 7:16 PM (#4428 - in reply to #4427)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Uber User

Posts: 795
Obviously some of the books by some of the women authors cannot be called SF/Horror by any stretch of the imagination (Margaret Atwood and Hilary Mantel spring to mind). Will you be excluding these books from the DB?
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Posted 2012-12-28 7:34 PM (#4429 - in reply to #4427)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Uber User

Posts: 795
Great choice BTW. It certainly addresses an imbalance highlight by your Award Winning Books by Women Authors and Ian Sales SF Mistressworks.

I just want to know what idiot is going to make the inane comment "So many women. So little time". Certainly not going to be me I can tell you.
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Posted 2012-12-28 7:42 PM (#4430 - in reply to #4428)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

Well, WWEnd is all about genre fiction so we try to stick to those works.  For instance we don't have any of Isaac Asimov's hundreds of non-genre books.  We often end up with novels that stretch the traditional definitions of of SF, Fantasy and Horror, like many of the books on the Guardian list, but those are still the exceptions.  We'll have to determine on a case by case basis as we get requests.

That's more a general policy than something specific to the WoGF though and applies to all our authors.  We try to keep a pretty narrow focus.

Great question!

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Posted 2012-12-28 7:53 PM (#4431 - in reply to #4429)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

justifiedsinner - 2012-12-28 7:34 PM Great choice BTW. It certainly addresses an imbalance highlight by your Award Winning Books by Women Authors and Ian Sales SF Mistressworks. I just want to know what idiot is going to make the inane comment "So many women. So little time". Certainly not going to be me I can tell you.

Glad you like the theme!  You can trace back to Ian Sales' list.  His effort to highlight the imballance caused me to look at my own reading more critically.  Well, that and the gallery of old white men staring back at me from my Authors I've Read list   His Mistressworks list was a great addition to the site then we did the Award Winning Books by Women Authors list drawn from our own data to expand on the issue a bit.  This is certainly a more direct attempt to make an impact on the discussion than just adding those lists though I think they work hand in hand.  Those are great guides to helping WoGF readers find books for the challenge!

I'm glad you're not going to be the one to make that comment

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Posted 2012-12-28 9:12 PM (#4432 - in reply to #4427)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 26
Location: Washington state
I am psyched for this challenge. During the Grandmaster Challenge for 2012, I stalled half-way through due to illness and Life, and I never got inspired by any of my completed reads to write and submit a full review. (I tried to branch out and read some authors who are far outside my usual spec-fic flavor preferences, and it didn't go as well as I'd hoped.) But I have so many never-read female authors on my home bookshelves, and I am thrilled to have an "excuse" to sort them out and read a bunch of them as a project. I'm terribly excited!

Now my only problem is narrowing down my choices. Between my home shelves, a few books I'm already going to be reading for discussion groups, and another few I've just wanted to read for ages, I have already over 30 new-to-me female authors I really want to include.
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Posted 2012-12-28 10:04 PM (#4434 - in reply to #4432)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

Tantara - 2012-12-28 9:12 PM I am psyched for this challenge. During the Grandmaster Challenge for 2012, I stalled half-way through due to illness and Life, and I never got inspired by any of my completed reads to write and submit a full review. (I tried to branch out and read some authors who are far outside my usual spec-fic flavor preferences, and it didn't go as well as I'd hoped.) But I have so many never-read female authors on my home bookshelves, and I am thrilled to have an "excuse" to sort them out and read a bunch of them as a project. I'm terribly excited! Now my only problem is narrowing down my choices. Between my home shelves, a few books I'm already going to be reading for discussion groups, and another few I've just wanted to read for ages, I have already over 30 new-to-me female authors I really want to include.

Tantara, it sounds like the WoGF challenge was tailor made for you!  You've got enough authors to do a double challenge if you're up for it.

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Posted 2012-12-28 10:51 PM (#4435 - in reply to #4434)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 26
Location: Washington state
A double challenge?  Oh my... I'm not sure if that's more exciting or intimidating.  I'll get through the first  one and see where I'm at.  

 I was not sure where to mention this, but as I'm already replying:  I noticed that the James Tiptree Jr. Award is not currently an awards list that WWE tracks.  As it is a sf/f award given to books that highlight gender issues (founded in 1991 by Pat Murphy and Karen Joy Fowler, both of whom are on the site - and it seems to have a large number of female authors on its roster,) it would seem well-suited to this challenge.  (I discovered that it isn't a WWE-included list while looking up Molly Gloss's "Wild Life," which won the award in 2000.  When I found that author and book weren't on the site, I went on to see if the award in general was here.)  I also note that many of the award's winners and nominees are already in place here.

  Anyhow...  I don't know if this particular award has ever been considered for inclusion, but it seems a pertinent mention at this juncture.


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Posted 2012-12-28 11:10 PM (#4436 - in reply to #4435)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas
The Tiptree Award is one we have on our list of future additions and, now that you mention it, it does seem a good time to consider moving it up on our priority list.  We've been working on getting the Mythopoetic Award added to the site for some time but it keeps getting bumped for other updates like the Nightmare Magazine Horror list and the Shirley Jackson Award that were part of our Month of Horrors.  I'll look over the list of noms and winners and see how many we have already in the DB.  If we've got a high percentage then we'll prolly bump it up the list.  We're keen to get some more books by women into the mix for the challenge and if there are a goodly number of women in the Tiptree award that'll move us forward on both projects.  Thanks for the good idea!
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Posted 2012-12-28 11:16 PM (#4437 - in reply to #4427)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 26
Location: Washington state
Ah, the Mythopoetic is another good one. (So many awesome lists, so little etc., etc...)

By the way: The Tiptree award site I linked above is, unfortunately, not very user-friendly for actually viewing nominees and winners. Wikipedia has a much better tabled list:,_Jr._Award_winne...

I'll just go fish around in the "stacks" and narrow my challenge choices down and leave you to your (very much appreciated) work here.
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Posted 2012-12-29 12:46 AM (#4438 - in reply to #4427)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Uber User

Posts: 37
I've been eagerly awaiting this announcement, and it looks like this is going to be a fun theme for 2013! I've actually already read 42 of the women authors on WWEnd, but that still leaves plenty of big names left to choose from!
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Posted 2012-12-29 8:55 AM (#4440 - in reply to #4438)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Uber User

Posts: 770
Location: SC, USA
I signed on last evening to say I finally finished the GMRC (with a few days to spare) and to thank Dave, Rico, Chris, and Jonathan for such a great idea and such a cool interface, and what did I find--the new challenge, which proves to be even cooler. So, instead of writing this note, I spent my time cross-referencing the ALL WOMEN page to my TBR list and the other lists that I want to work on this year. Sometimes the planning is almost as fun as the reading.
Anyway, guys, thanks for the GMRC, and here's to many more.
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Posted 2012-12-29 9:04 AM (#4441 - in reply to #4436)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Uber User

Posts: 770
Location: SC, USA
My instinct says that WWE does probably have a high percentage of the Tiptree novels. The problem with the Tiptree Award for WWE's purposes is that all types of fiction are considered, so short stories, novellas, etc. are among the nominees. However, I believe that almost all of the winners have been novels.
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Posted 2012-12-29 11:48 AM (#4443 - in reply to #4438)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

Allie - 2012-12-29 12:46 AM I've been eagerly awaiting this announcement, and it looks like this is going to be a fun theme for 2013! I've actually already read 42 of the women authors on WWEnd, but that still leaves plenty of big names left to choose from!

Hey Allie, glad you like the new theme!  Seems like folks are taking to it which is a big relief!  We thought it would be a good choice but you never know for sure.

I can't wait to see the first reviews rolling in!  That's going to be a big help for me picking my books.

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Scott Laz
Posted 2012-12-29 12:18 PM (#4444 - in reply to #4427)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Uber User

Posts: 263
Location: Gunnison, Colorado
I agree this is an excellent idea. Some argue that lots of fans tend to overlook women writers, and my own list of "writers read" is pretty male-dominated (though it would look a lot more balanced if short stories were included). A legacy of the domination by male writers of the field during the early years. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Hope Mirrlees, C. L. Moore and Leigh Brackett were already in the queue for upcoming "forays into fantasy."
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Posted 2012-12-29 12:41 PM (#4445 - in reply to #4440)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

Rhondak101 - 2012-12-29 8:55 AM I signed on last evening to say I finally finished the GMRC (with a few days to spare) and to thank Dave, Rico, Chris, and Jonathan for such a great idea and such a cool interface, and what did I find--the new challenge, which proves to be even cooler. So, instead of writing this note, I spent my time cross-referencing the ALL WOMEN page to my TBR list and the other lists that I want to work on this year. Sometimes the planning is almost as fun as the reading. Anyway, guys, thanks for the GMRC, and here's to many more.

Rhonda, congrats on finishing the GMRC!  I know you were scrambling at the end like a lot of us.  I hope we can match or even surpass the GMRC for participation.  This challenge is much more open than the GMRC that only had 24 authors and we aught to be getting a lot more modern books into the mix which I'm looking forward to.

I know what you mean about the planning part!  So many possibilities.  I've changed my list a dozen times already.  (There was a lot of testing over the last few weeks.)  I should warn you that we're going to try and make you rethink your list throughout the year by adding many new authors and books!

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Posted 2012-12-29 12:45 PM (#4446 - in reply to #4441)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

Rhondak101 - 2012-12-29 9:04 AM My instinct says that WWE does probably have a high percentage of the Tiptree novels. The problem with the Tiptree Award for WWE's purposes is that all types of fiction are considered, so short stories, novellas, etc. are among the nominees. However, I believe that almost all of the winners have been novels.

I'm looking into the Tiptree now and you're right.  It's going to be a problem fitting in the short stories.  That's not what we're geared for.  I suspect we'll have to list the book the short story appeared in and make a notation of the story title that was nominated from the collection or anthology.  We'll have to noodle on that one for awhile.

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Posted 2012-12-29 1:21 PM (#4447 - in reply to #4444)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

Scott Laz - 2012-12-29 12:18 PM I agree this is an excellent idea. Some argue that lots of fans tend to overlook women writers, and my own list of "writers read" is pretty male-dominated (though it would look a lot more balanced if short stories were included). A legacy of the domination by male writers of the field during the early years. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Hope Mirrlees, C. L. Moore and Leigh Brackett were already in the queue for upcoming "forays into fantasy."

Yeah, our site is heavily weighted towards male authors as a result of the awards and lists that form our core.  (I wonder if we covered short stories too if that would have made any difference?)  So here are some numbers to illustrate the disparity:

  • Total authors in our database: 1,239
  • Male authors: 907
  • Female authors: 332

It's our goal to bring ballance to the force.  Er, uh, add more women authors to get the ratio a little better.  I hope we can get another 100 women added over this next year.  That would be a nice start.  It all depends on how much time we can put into it along with other site features and of course many many more books by the women we already have.

I'm looking forward to more forays for sure and those sound like great authors to me.  For anyone who has not read Scott's Forays into Fantasy blog series I suggest you go check those out.  Well worth your time!

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Posted 2012-12-29 4:39 PM (#4448 - in reply to #4427)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Uber User

Posts: 526
Location: UK
I've picked 11 based on the books I already own and think I'd most like to read, but there are some big names I am definitely missing, so my choices are very much subject to change if I feel like spending some money.

I'm considering using the mistressworks list for the random pick. I think it's less likely to be in a genre/subgenre I don't like if I do that.
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Posted 2012-12-31 10:09 PM (#4471 - in reply to #4427)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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New User

Posts: 1
How can an author be added to the list? I have two women friends who debuted horror books, one in 2011 and one in about 2 weeks.
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Posted 2013-01-01 9:51 AM (#4474 - in reply to #4427)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 7
I could be wrong but Anne RIce seems to be missing from the list on the challenge page? If so can she be added?
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Posted 2013-01-01 11:45 AM (#4475 - in reply to #4448)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

@DrNefario: The SF Mistressworks list is a great place to search for your random pick!  It would not be inaccurate to say that the Mistressworks list was what inspired the WoGF challenge in the first place.  Take a look at the Award Winning Books by Women Authors list too.

@terrilynncoop: First, welcome to WWEnd!  Glad you found us and I hope you'll be joing in the WoGF.  It's going to be be fun if the initial reception is any indication!

As for adding new authors, we already have a list of authors we want to add and the list keeps growing.  We're going to focus on that list and try to get the most obvious gaps filled.  In another thread controuble pointed out that we don't have C. E. Murphy or Mercedes Lackey in our DB so you can see we've got some work to do already.  As long as your friends are not self published they're certainly eligible to be included though to be honest they're necessarily going to be down the list a ways.  It's all about need, demand and the limited time we have to fill those gaps.  Send me their names and info and I'll see about adding them to the list for later:  Thanks!

@burninglove: Welcome to you as well!  Great to see some new folks joinging for the challenge.  You were right, Anne Rice was not on the list.  Her real name is, believe it or not, Howard Allen O'Brien, and when we went through the hundreds of authors in the DB to assign gender, a necessary step for coding purposes, we accidentally tagged her as male.  D'oh!  It's been fixed now and she's showing on the All Women Authors page.  In a quirk of programming she shows under the "O's" because the list is sorted by real name not her pen name, Anne Rice.  Pseudonyms continue to be the bane of my existence.  Thanks so much for pointing that out!

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Posted 2013-01-01 1:11 PM (#4479 - in reply to #4427)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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New User

Posts: 4
Any chance of a thread for recommending authors to be added? Just at a very quick glance I see major missing names, such as Glenda Larke and Alliette de Bodard. Or is e-mail the preferred way?
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Posted 2013-01-01 8:42 PM (#4486 - in reply to #4479)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 4034
Location: Dallas, Texas

Skynjay - 2013-01-01 1:11 PM Any chance of a thread for recommending authors to be added? Just at a very quick glance I see major missing names, such as Glenda Larke and Alliette de Bodard. Or is e-mail the preferred way?

Hey Skynjay, It looks like we really need one!  Let's use this one for author requests specific to the WoGF:  Women of Genre Fiction.  I moved that thread from the suggestions forum since it's specific to the WoGF.

I've added your authors to the list.  Oh, and welcome to WWEnd!

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Posted 2013-01-01 9:00 PM (#4488 - in reply to #4427)
Subject: Re: WoGF Reading Challenge Q & A
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Posts: 29
Okay - I was too late to join the read last year, but have been watching for this year's and hooray-Here is it!
I just spent a a few hours going through the list trying to find women that I hadn't all ready read-
and then cross-referencing with local library, making notes of the ones not carried that I might search for in second hand book stores...whew...
now to get reading (or listening since audiobooks can be easier when I am multi-tasking or exercising).
I would also like to thank all of you putting this site and the challenge together..I have passed it one to a few friends -challenging them to join me in this year's challenge!
thank you and Happy New Reading Year to all!
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