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Random quote: It makes all the difference whether one sees darkness through the light, or brightness through the shadows -- David Lindsay (A Voyage to Arcturus)
- (Added by: Scott Laz)

Cabin at the end of the world Film
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Posted 2022-11-30 8:12 AM (#26060)
Subject: Cabin at the end of the world Film


Posts: 12

Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, but Cabin of the end of the world by Paul Tremblay has a movie coming out in Feb 2023.
Just a heads-up to add it to the Genre-lit list.

And also, Thanks so much for this website. It is my happy place.

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Posted 2022-12-01 12:17 AM (#26067 - in reply to #26060)
Subject: RE: Cabin at the end of the world Film


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas
Thanks for the heads-up and the kind words about the site. We're very glad you found us!

This is a fine place to let us know about a new Genre-Lit Flick. We don't add them to the list until the film is actually out so we can link to it etc. but I have added it to our Google sheet for future inclusion.

Englebrechdt is the Uber who curates the Genre-Lit Flicks list and he's got huge sheet full of future updates so we can keep track of what's coming down the pipe.


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Posted 2022-12-07 7:50 AM (#26586 - in reply to #26067)
Subject: RE: Cabin at the end of the world Film


Posts: 12
Administrator - 2022-12-01 12:17 AM

Thanks for the heads-up and the kind words about the site. We're very glad you found us!

This is a fine place to let us know about a new Genre-Lit Flick. We don't add them to the list until the film is actually out so we can link to it etc. but I have added it to our Google sheet for future inclusion.

Englebrechdt is the Uber who curates the Genre-Lit Flicks list and he's got huge sheet full of future updates so we can keep track of what's coming down the pipe.


oooh. What's the chances of creating some blog posts around that spreadsheet?

Would love a guide to adaptations with release dates, so I can read pro-actively.
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