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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Down on the Farm

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Down on the Farm

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Author: Charles Stross
Publisher: Publishing, 2008
Series: The Laundry Files

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Book Type: Novelette
Genre: Fantasy / Horror
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In Charles Stross's novel The Atrocity Archive and its sequels, the "Laundry" is a secret British agency responsible for keeping dark interdimensional entitities from destroying the cosmos and, not incidentally, the human race. The battles with creatures from beyond time are dangerous; however, it's the subsequent bureaucratic paperwork that actually breaks men's souls. Now, in "Down on the Farm," Laundry veteran Bob Howard must investigate strange doings at another obscure, moth-eaten government agency--evidently a rest home for Laundry agents whose minds have snapped...

Charles Stross is the Hugo-winning author of some of the most acclaimed novels and stories of the last ten years, including Singularity Sky, Accelerando, Halting State, the "Merchant Princes" series beginning with The Family Trade, and the story collections Toast and Wireless. In 2010, his Laundry story "Overtime," published on Tor, is a finalist for science fiction's Hugo Award.

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Down on the Farm

- Badseedgirl


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