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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Blue Book of Nebo

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The Blue Book of Nebo

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Author: Manon Steffan Ros
Publisher: Deep Vellum, 2021
Original Welsh publication, 2018

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Dystopia
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Dylan was six when The End came, back in 2018; when the electricity went off for good, and the ‘normal’ 21st-century world he knew disappeared. Now he’s 14 and he and his mam have survived in their isolated hilltop house above the village of Nebo in north-west Wales, learning new skills, and returning to old ways of living.

Despite their close understanding, the relationship between mother and son changes subtly as Dylan must take on adult responsibilities. And they each have their own secrets, which emerge as, in turn, they jot down their thoughts and memories win a found notebook – the Blue Book of Nebo.


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