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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

A Second Chance

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A Second Chance

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Author: Jodi Taylor
Publisher: Accent Press, 2014
Series: Chronicles of St. Mary's: Book 3
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Alternate History (SF)
Light/Humorous SF
Time Travel
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St Mary's is back and nothing is going right for Max. Once again, it's just one damned thing after another.

The action jumps from an encounter with a mirror-stealing Isaac Newton to the bloody battlefield at Agincourt. Discover how a simple fact-finding assignment to witness the ancient and murderous cheese-rolling ceremony in Gloucester can result in CBC - concussion by cheese. The long awaited jump to Bronze Age Troy ends in personal catastrophe for Max, and just when it seems things couldn't get any worse - it's back to the Cretaceous Period again to confront an old enemy who has nothing to lose.

So, make the tea, grab the chocolate biscuits, settle back and discover exactly why the entire history department has painted itself blue...


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A Second Chance

- Adele1967


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