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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books


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Author: Jean Lorrah
Publisher: Pocket Books, 1989
Series: Star Trek: The Next Generation: Book 4

0. Resistance
0. I, Q
0. Before Dishonor
0. The Devil's Heart
0. Planet X
0. Engines of Destiny
0. Articles of the Federation
0. Crossover
0. Death in Winter
0. Kahless
0. The Valiant
0. Q & A
0. Do Comets Dream?
0. A Hard Rain
0. Losing the Peace
0. Immortal Coil
0. The Light Fantastic
0. The Best and the Brightest
0. Indistinguishable from Magic
0. Takedown
0. Greater than the Sum
0. Ship of the Line
0. The Sky's the Limit
0. The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard
0. Available Light
0. Collateral Damage
0. The Stuff of Dreams
0. Q are Cordially Uninvited...
0. Pliable Truths
1. Ghost Ship
2. The Peacekeepers
3. The Children of Hamlin
4. Survivors
5. Strike Zone
6. Power Hungry
7. Masks
8. The Captains' Honor
9. A Call to Darkness
10. A Rock and a Hard Place
11. Gulliver's Fugitives
12. Doomsday World
13. The Eyes of the Beholders
14. Exiles
15. Fortune's Light
16. Contamination
17. Boogeymen
18. Q-in-Law
19. Perchance to Dream
20. Spartacus
21. Chains of Command
22. Imbalance
23. War Drums
24. Nightshade
25. Grounded
26. The Romulan Prize
27. Guises of the Mind
28. Here There Be Dragons
29. Sins of Commission
30. Debtor's Planet
31. Foreign Foes
32. Requiem
33. Balance of Power
34. Blaze of Glory
35. The Romulan Stratagem
36. Into the Nebula
37. The Last Stand
38. Dragon's Honor
39. Rogue Saucer
40. Possession
41. The Soldiers of Fear
42. Infiltrator
43. A Fury Scorned
44. The Death of Princes
45. Intellivore
46. To Storm Heaven
47. The Q Continuum: Q-Space
48. The Q Continuum: Q-Zone
49. The Q Continuum: Q-Strike
50. Dyson Sphere
57. The Forgotten War
58. Gemworld: Book One
59. Gemworld: Book Two
60. Tooth and Claw
61. Diplomatic Implausibility
62. Maximum Warp: Book One of Two
63. Maximum Warp: Book Two of Two

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Space Opera
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Treva is an isolated human colony on the fringes of known space on the verge of becoming a true interstellar community, a full fledged menber of the Federation. But now the U.S.S. Enterprise has received a distress signal for Treva is in the throes of a violent revolution, a revolution led by a merciless warlord who has committed countless atrocities in the name of freedom.

Data and Lt. Tasha Yar are dispatched to investigate. Once they reach Treva, they discover the truth, and any possible solution may be far more complex than a simple rebellion. Treva's president wants more then Starfleet's good words in her fight against the rebels, she wants their weapons technology. And before the battle is over, she means to get them. Over Data's and Yar's dead bodies, if necessary.


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