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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Now, Then, and Everywhen

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Now, Then, and Everywhen

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Author: Rysa Walker
Publisher: 47North, 2020
Series: Chronos Origins: Book 1

1. Now, Then, and Everywhen
2. Red, White, and the Blues
3. Bell, Book, and Key

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Time Travel
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When two time-traveling historians cross paths during one of the most tumultuous decades of the twentieth century, history goes helter-skelter. But which one broke the timeline?

In 2136 Madison Grace uncovers a key to the origins of CHRONOS, a time-travel agency with ties to her family's mysterious past. Just as she is starting to jump through history, she returns to her timeline to find millions of lives erased?and only the people inside her house realize anything has changed.

In 2304 CHRONOS historian Tyson Reyes is assigned to observe the crucial events that played out in America's civil rights movement. But a massive time shift occurs while he's in 1965, and suddenly the history he sees isn't the history he knows.

As Madi's and Tyson's journeys collide, they must prevent the past from being erased forever. But strange forces are at work. Are Madi and Tyson in control or merely pawns in someone else's game?


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