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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Rise of a Hero

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Rise of a Hero

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Author: Hilari Bell
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2005
Series: The Farsala Trilogy: Book 2

1. Fall of a Kingdom
2. Rise of a Hero
3. Forging the Sword

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
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The return of Sorahb?

Legend has it that when Farsala most needs a warrior to lead it, Sorahb will be restored by the god Azura. That time has come. After a devastating loss to the army of the Hrum, Farsala has all but fallen. Only the walled city of Mazad and a few of the more uninhabitable regions remain free of Hrum rule, and they seem destined to fall as well. Farsala needs a champion now.

Three young people are waging battle as best they can. Soraya, Jiaan, and Kavi, their lives decimated by the Hrum, are each in a personal fight against their common enemy.

Apart, their chances are slim, as none of them are Sorahb reborn. United, perhaps they can succeed. But only Time's Wheel can bring them together -- if it turns the right way. If it doesn't, Farsala is surely doomed.


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