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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Silence in the Shadows

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Silence in the Shadows

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Author: Darcy Coates
Publisher: Poisoned Pen Press, 2020
Series: Black Winter: Book 4
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Horror
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The stark world continues to change. Each passing day twists it further, pushing the survivors closer to the brink of extinction. But, for the first time, there is hope.

Clare and Dorran have set their sights on returning home to Winterbourne Hall. It's a daunting journey, but vital. Humanity needs more refuges - safe areas where food can be grown without attracting the attention of the hollow ones - and the old gothic manor is their best bet.

But their home is no longer a sanctuary. It's become a trap: carefully crafted for them, lying in wait for their return. By the time they realise just how dangerous Winterbourne has become, it's already too late.

The fight for survival is far from over.


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