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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Dead Lake

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Dead Lake

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Author: Darcy Coates
Publisher: Poisoned Pen Press, 2020
Self-Published, 2015

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Horror
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A week's visit to the remote Harob Lake cabin couldn't have come at a better time for Sam.

She's battling artist's block ahead of a major gallery exhibition. Staying at the lake house is her final, desperate attempt to paint the collection that could save her floundering career. It seems perfect: no neighbors, no phone, no distractions.

But the dream retreat disintegrates into a nightmare when Sam sees a stranger by the lake.

A tall, mysterious man stands on the edge of her dock, staring intently into the swirling waters below. He starts to follow her. He disables her car. He destroys her only way to communicate with the outside world. And something about the man seems... unnatural.

Soon Sam suspects he's responsible for the series of disappearances from a nearby hiking trail.

Completely stranded, Sam realises she's become the prey in the hunter's deadliest game...


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