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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The House Next Door

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The House Next Door

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Author: Darcy Coates
Publisher: Poisoned Pen Press, 2020
Self-Published, 2017

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Horror
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Josephine began to suspect something was wrong with the crumbling gothic monstrosity next door when its family fled in the middle of the night, the children screaming, the mother crying. They never came back. No family stays at Marwick House for long. No life lingers beyond its blackened windows. No voices drift from its ancient halls. Once, Josephine swore she saw a woman's silhouette pacing through the upstairs room... but that's impossible. No one had been there in a long, long time.

But now someone new has moved next door, and Marwick House is slowly waking up. Torn between staying away and warning the new tenant, Josephine only knows that if she isn't careful, she may be its next victim...


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