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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Capolan:  Travels of a Vagabond Country Artbox

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Last Updated: Engelbrecht

Capolan: Travels of a Vagabond Country Artbox

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Author: Nick Bantock
Publisher: Chronicle Books, 1997

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
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When the Capolanian government wanted commemorative stamps and postcards created in honor of their 650th anniversary, they turned, quite naturally, to artist and writer Nick Bantock. Who better to capture the mythical nation's enigmatic spirit? The result is a sumptuous treasure box of history, legend, and fantasy. Inside, the curious will find the very postcards and stamps Mr. Bantock created for this commission, along with a book -- not much larger than a passport -- in which he introduces the history, philosophy, customs, and traditions of this mysterious nomadic tribe.


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