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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Weapon Makers

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The Weapon Makers

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Author: A. E. Van Vogt
Publisher: Pocket Books, 1979
Ace Books, 1966
Hadley Publishing Co., 1947
Astounding Science Fiction (Analog), 1943
Series: The Weapon Shops of Isher: Book 2

1. The Weapon Shops of Isher
2. The Weapon Makers

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Immortality
Space Opera
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(36 reads / 15 ratings)


Imagine: a future empire of super-science, so strong that it had lasted thousands of years, so vast that it encompassed the entire Solar System, and whose ruler was a glamorous and thoroughly willful young woman. Yet, this tremendous set-up was completely unable to cope with the machinations of one solitary outlaw.

That man was the amazing Robert Hedrock, and though Hedrock had been declared a kill-on-sight outcast even by those who had once been his own faction, neither they nor their empress foe suspected that he alone could provide the solution to their deadliest cosmic crisis.


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