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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers



Founded: 1948
Founded by: Doubleday


Permabooks was a paperback division of Doubleday, established by Doubleday in 1948.

Promoted with the slogans Books of Permanent Value for Permanent Use and Books to Keep, the early Permabooks were priced at 35 cents. They did not feature the flexible covers usually associated with paperback books. Instead, as the name implies, the first Permabooks were designed in a more durable format with board covers. The interior looked like a paperback, but the exterior, measuring 4?" wide by 6½" deep, gave the impression of a reduced-size hardcover. The edges of the stiff, unflexible board cover extended 1/8" past the trim of the interior pages.

The initial format only lasted three years, with Doubleday switching to the standard paperback appearance in 1951.

In 1954, Doubleday sold Permabooks to Pocket Books, which kept the Permabooks name as one of their imprints, issuing both originals and reprints.

Works in the WWEnd Database


Authors Published

• Horace Gold  • James MacGregor  • Robert Buckner