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The Quiet Like a Homecoming

Cassandra Khaw

This short story originally appeared in Lightspeed, February 2018.

Read the full story for free at Lightspeed.

Uncle Flower's Homecoming Waltz

Marissa K. Lingen

In the war that never ends, dreaming the future is not an unmixed blessing.

This story can be found in the anthology The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy: 2013 Edition, edited by Rich Horton.

Read the full story for free at


Barry B. Longyear

Hugo Award nomineted novelette. It originally appeared in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, October 1979. The story can also be found in the collection It Came From Schenectady (1984).


Seanan McGuire

This short story originally appeared in Lightspeed, September 2013.

Read the full story for free at Lightspeed.


Susan Palwick

Homecoming, by Susan Palwick, is a dark fantasy novelette about a young girl on the cusp of womanhood who yearns to leave her village and go to sea with her best friend, a boy about her own age, despite natural and supernatural dangers.

Read the full story for free at

The Homecoming

Andrew Pyper

What if everything you knew about the people you loved was a lie?

After the death of their absentee father, Aaron and Bridge Quinlan travel to a vast rainforest property in the Pacific Northwest to hear the reading of his will. There, they meet up with their mother and troubled sister, Franny, and are shocked to discover the will's terms: in order to claim their inheritance they must all remain at the estate for thirty days without any contact with the outside world. Despite their concerns, they agree.

The Quinlans soon come to learn their family has more secrets than they ever imagined - revelations that at first inspire curiosity, then fear. Why does Bridge have faint memories of the estate? Why did their father want them to be sequestered there together? And what is out there they feel pulling them into the dark heart of the woods?

The Homecoming

Mike Resnick

Hugo Award nominated short story. It originally appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction, April-May 2011. The story can also be found in the collection Win Some, Lose Some: The Hugo Award Winning (and Nominated) Short Science Fiction and Fantasy of Mike Resnick (2012).

Read of listen to the full story for free at Escapepod.

The Homecoming

Nicholas Royle

WFA nominated short story. It originally appeared in the anthology Shadows Over Innsmouth (1994), edited by Stephen Jones. The story can also be found in the anthology The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 6 (1995), edited by Stephen Jones.


Matthew J. Costello

Returned to the home he thought he would never see again, American hostage Simon Farrell finds his homecoming bliss shattered by a sadistic ex-con.

Chanur's Homecoming

Alliance-Union: The Chanur Series: Book 4

C. J. Cherryh

When those aliens entities called "humans" sent their first exploration ship into Compact space, the traditional power alliances of the seven Compact races were catastrophically disrupted. And, giving shelter to Tully, the only surviving human, Pyanfar Chanur and her feline hani crew were pitched into the center of a galactic maelstrom, becoming key players in a power game which could cause an intersteller war, or bring the last hope for peace between eight barely compatible alien races.

Bard V: Felimid's Homecoming

Bard: Book 5

Keith Taylor

"Some say that you are Fergus mac Buthi's grandson, come back from five years' wandering. They say that you are a bard of the third rank... They say that you carry the harp of Cairbre, which is among the Three Remaining Treasures of Erin... I think it is false."

When Felimid mac Fel returns to the land of his fathers, to the glorious shores of Erin, all is not as he left it. The Company of Bards is sullied by members who take advantage of their talents and spread disenchantment among the people - ruining their livelihoods with Satires of Cursing and other such abuses. With the aid of his magical harp, Golden Singer, Felimid easily rebuffs the challenge of one such, Ruarc Sunspear, but the demonic threats of Sunspear's mentor, Dicuil the Fiery, are not so lightly shaken off.


Forgotten Realms: The Legend of Drizzt 8: Homecoming: Book 1

R. A. Salvatore

The pall that had descended over the North is gone, and a new day has dawned on a victorious Mithral Hall, but no matter how bright things seem on the surface, Drizzt and his companions know that what lurks just under their feet remains steeped in evil and charged with unimaginable power.

The dark elves of Menzoberranzan, including the powerful Archmage Gromph, aren't done with Drizzt yet. And consumed by their own power struggles, feeling backed into a corner, the drow may just be desperate enough to call on demonic forces from the deepest reaches of the Abyss, and unleash a disaster even the Underdark could never have prepared for.

Archmage has everything Drizzt's fans crave: action, adventure, characters that resonate with equal measures of warrior spirit and deep compassion, and no shortage of wicked dark elves!


Forgotten Realms: The Legend of Drizzt 8: Homecoming: Book 2

R. A. Salvatore

The saga of dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden has become a fixture in the fantasy genre, with a string of New York Times best-selling novels going back to 1988. Maestro is the follow-up to Archmage, and continues the story of Drizzt's perilous homecoming.

Drizzt is going home. But not to Mithral Hall. Not to Icewind Dale. He's going to Menzoberranzan. Something terrible-immense-unspeakable, has come to the City of Spiders, leaving death and destruction in its wake.

Additionally, the damage of the Darkening, of war, and of a demon-ravaged Underdark sends cracks out across the North, causing irreparable damage.

At the same time, the primordial of Gauntlgrym stirs, sending Cattie-brie and Gromph to the ruins of the Host Tower of the Arcane in Luskan, seeking the only power that can keep the beast in check.

Jarlaxle holds the strings for them all, orchestrating a masterpiece of manipulation that brings old enemies together, and tears old friends apart.

But even the wily and resourceful Jarlaxle may not realize just how narrow a path he walks. The City of Spiders might already have fallen to the demons and their wicked prince, and what's to say the demons will stop there?

Maestro is the sequel to Archmage, and the exciting 2nd book in the Homecoming trilogy.


Forgotten Realms: The Legend of Drizzt 8: Homecoming: Book 3

R. A. Salvatore

The saga of dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden has become a fixture in the fantasy genre, with a string of New York Times best-selling novels going back to 1988. Hero is the follow-up to Maestro and Archmage, and final book in the Homecoming trilogy.

Something akin to "peace" has come to the Underdark. The demon hordes have receded, and now the matron mothers argue over the fate of Drizzt Do'Urden. Even so, it becomes clear to one matriarch after another that while the renegade drow may come and go Menzoberranzan, the City of Spiders will crawl forever on.

And so Drizzt is free to return to his home on the surface once again. Scores are settled as lives are cut short, yet other lives move on. For the lone drow there is only a single final quest: a search for peace, for family, for home--for the future.

Hero picks up where Maestro left off, in a sweeping climax to an epic tale.

The Memory of Earth

Homecoming: Book 1

Orson Scott Card

High above the planet Harmony, the Oversoul watches. Its task, programmed so many millennia ago, is to guard the human settlement on this planet--to protect this fragile remnant of Earth from all threats. To protect them, most of all, from themselves.

The Oversoul has done its job well. There is no war on Harmony. There are no weapons of mass destruction. There is no technology that could lead to weapons of war. By control of the data banks, and subtle interference in the very thoughts of the people, the artificial intelligence has fulfilled its mission.

But now there is a problem. In orbit, the Oversoul realizes that it has lost access to some of its memory banks, and some of its power systems are failing. And on the planet, men are beginning to think about power, wealth, and conquest.

The Call of Earth

Homecoming: Book 2

Orson Scott Card

As Harmony's Oversoul grows weaker, a great warrior has arisen to challenge its bans. His name is Moozh, and he has won control of an army using forbidden technology. Now he is aiming his soldiers at the city of Basilica, that strong fortress above the Plain.

Basilica remains in turmoil. Wetchik and his sons are not strong enough to stop a army. Can Rasa and her allies defeat him through intrigue, or will Moozh take the city and all who are in it?

The Ships of Earth

Homecoming: Book 3

Orson Scott Card

The City of Basilica has fallen. Now Wetchik, Nafai, and all their family must brave the desert wastes, and cross the wide continents to where Harmony's hidden spaceport lies silent, abandoned, waiting for the command to make the great interstellar ships ready for flight again.

But of these sixteen people, only a few have chosen their exile. The others, Rasa's spiteful daughters and their husbands; Wetchik's oldest son, Elemak, have been forced against their will. Their anger and hatreds will make the difficult journey harder.


Homecoming: Book 4

Orson Scott Card

The Oversoul of the colony planet Harmony selected the family of Wetchik to carry it back to long-lost Earth. Now grown to a tribe in the years of their journey to Harmony's hidden starport, they are ready at last to take a ship to the stars. But from the beginning there has been bitter dispute between Nafai and Elemak, Wetchick's youngest son and his oldest.

On board the starship Bailica, the children of the tribe will become pawns in the struggle. Two factions are each making secret plans to awaken the children, and themselves, early from the cold-sleep capsules in which they will pass the long decades of the journey. Each side hopes to gain years of influence on the minds of the children, winning their loyalty in the struggle for control of reclaimed Earth.

But the Oversoul is truly in control of this journey. It has downloaded a complete copy of itself to the Ship's computers. And only Nafai, who wears the Cloak of the Starmaster by the Oversoul's command, really understand what this will mean to all their plans for the future.


Homecoming: Book 5

Orson Scott Card

High above the earth orbits the starship Basilica. On board the huge vessel is a sleeping woman. Of those who made the journey, Shedemai alone has survived the hundred of years since the Children of Wetchik returned to Earth.

She now wears the Cloak of the Starmaster, and the Oversoul wakes her sometimes to watch over her descendants on the planet below. The population has grown rapidly--there are cities and nations now, whole peoples descended from the who followed Nafai or Elemak.

But in all the long years of watching and searching, the Oversoul has not found the thing it sought. It has not found the Keeper of the Earth, the central intelligence that also can repair the Oversoul's damaged programming.


Star Trek: Voyager: Homecoming: Book 1

Christie Golden

After seven long years in the Delta Quadrant, the crew of the Starship Voyager now confront the strangest world of all: home. For Admiral Kathryn Janeway and her stalwart officers, Voyager's miraculous return brings new honors and responsibilities, reunions with long-lost loved ones, and for some, such as the Doctor and Seven of Nine, the challenge of forging new lives in a Federation that seems to hold little place for them.

But even as Janeway and the others go their separate ways, pursuing new adventures and opportunities, a mysterious cybernetic plague strikes Earth, transforming innocent men, women, and children into an entirely new generation of Borg. Now the entire planet faces assimilation, and Voyager may be to blame!

The Farther Shore

Star Trek: Voyager: Homecoming: Book 2

Christie Golden

When an unstoppable Borg plague breaks out upon Earth, blame quickly falls on the newly returned crew of the Starship Voyage. Did Kathryn Janeway and the others unknowingly carry this insidious infection back with them? Many in Starfleet think so, and Seven of Nine, in particular, falls under a cloud of suspicion.

Now, with a little help from the Starship Enterprise , Admiral Janeway must reunite her crew in a desperate, last-ditch attempt to discover the true source of the contagion and save Earth itself from total assimilation into a voracious new Borg Collective.

But time is running out.

Has Voyager come home only to witness humanity's end?


Stargate Atlantis: Book 16

Jo Graham
Melissa Scott

The first of a six book series set after the end of Stargate Atlantis's final season.

Homecoming sees Atlantis return to the Pegasus Galaxy. But the situation in Pegasus has changed. The Wraith are on the verge of unification under the new and powerful Queen Death. She stages a daring raid with one goal: the capture of the only man able to give their ships hyperdrive and lead them to Earth ? Dr. Rodney McKay.


The 100: Book 3

Kass Morgan

Humanity is coming home.

Weeks after landing on Earth, the Hundred have managed to create a sense of order amidst their wild, chaotic surroundings. But their delicate balance comes crashing down with the arrival of new dropships from space.

These new arrivals are the lucky ones-back on the Colony, the oxygen is almost gone-but after making it safely to Earth, GLASS's luck seems to be running out. CLARKE leads a rescue party to the crash site, ready to treat the wounded, but she can't stop thinking about her parents who may still be alive. Meanwhile, WELLS struggles to maintain his authority despite the presence of the Vice Chancellor and his armed guards, and BELLAMY must decide whether to face or flee the crimes he thought he'd left behind.

It's time for the Hundred to come together and fight for the freedom they've found on Earth, or risk losing everything-and everyone-they love.


The Marathon Trilogy: Book 3

D. Alexander Smith

In the tiny village of Westerbank in the south west of Scotland, the 1960s are not about rock'n'oll and drugs; they're about survival, making a bare living out of a struggling farm or working for a pittance at whatever job comes along. Nonetheless in this close community friendships go deep and the pub of an evening is a cheery place, at least until too much drink is taken.

Fifteen years ago, Joe McBride left Westerbank under a cloud, and in his absence life has moved on, the secrets he took with him disturbing only occasionally those who were caught up in them. But now Joe McBride is coming home, a changed man, and one who needs to face up to the past before it's too late. The truth about the mysterious death of a young girl fifteen years ago is about to come out, and nothing in Westerbank will ever be quite the same again.


The Spiral Wars: Book 9

Joel Shepherd

The UFS Phoenix is finally homeward bound. On the way is Tuki Station, in barabo space, hit just now by a force of sard ships, working in concert with a larger invasion from alo space. An alo and deepynine fleet has attacked, and humanity's forces are in turmoil despite all of Phoenix's efforts over the past three years to prepare them.

Nia leads the assault, Styx's old AI queen nemesis from the Drysine/Deepynine War, the greatest armed conflict in Spiral history, twenty-five thousand years ago. But what does Nia seek? Is she after the drysine data-core, which Phoenix recovered nearly three years ago? Does she pursue members of the Debogande family visiting Hoffen Station, as a way to get at Phoenix's captain personally? And if she's making a full-scale attempt to remove humanity as a strategic threat, why do her battle plans look so odd?

Nia is the greatest synthetic military mind in history, save for Styx. Human Fleet desperately needs Styx's help, yet Supreme Commander Mazungu is terrified of ceding her, and Phoenix, too much power. And now Styx herself has competition, as Phoenix's shipboard AI Shali has just acquired a massive analysis program from reeh space, designed specifically to map Nia's mind, and beat her.

But can Nia be predicted, before it's all too late?