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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Iron Dragon's Daughter

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The Iron Dragon's Daughter

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Author: Michael Swanwick
Publisher: Millennium, 1994
Morrow AvoNova, 1994
Series: The Iron Dragon's Daughter: Book 1

1. The Iron Dragon's Daughter
2. The Dragons of Babel
3. The Iron Dragon's Mother

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Mythic Fiction (Fantasy)
Fairytale Fantasy
Low Fantasy
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(86 reads / 43 ratings)


Jane is a changeling child, enslaved in a factory that makes the iron dragons - terrible engines of war - until she discovers the secret of the dragons' sentience and is able to use one of the beasts to escape. Then, her adventures as a thief and an outsider take her into a reality rich in wild magic and sharp-edged technology, a world where Time and shopping malls have a strange relationship and gryphons have a low capacity for alcohol. A surprising and brilliant novel that undercuts the easy escapism of more conventional fantasy.


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You must have to study to be this bad

- Birgitte SB
The Iron Dragon's Daughter

- havenne
The Iron Dragon's Daughter

- DrPerschon
The Iron Dragon's Daughter

- Ann Walker
