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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Shattered Chain

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The Shattered Chain

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Author: Marion Zimmer Bradley
Publisher: DAW Books, 1976
Series: The Darkover Series: Book 10
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction / Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Science-Fantasy
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(37 reads / 11 ratings)


On the planet of Darkover, the role of women is extremely circumscribed. The women of the Domains are almost entirely ruled by their male relatives, while the women of the Dry Towns are actually chained at the wrists to prevent them from assuming any independence. One of the few ways a woman can gain a measure of freedom is to join the popularly reviled Guild of Renunciates, an organization sworn to reject the oppression--and the protection--of men.

Jaelle n'ha Melora, the daughter of a Domains noblewoman and a Dry Towner, is a Renunciate. Magdalen Lorne, who was raised on Darkover, is an Intelligence operative for the Terran Empire. When Magda's ex-husband is kidnapped by Darkovan bandits, the paths of Jaelle and Magda cross, with profound implications for both women--and both worlds.


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