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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Grove Press

Grove Press

Founded: 1951
Founded by: Barney Rossett
Titles/Circulation: Grove Press is no longer an independently functioning press.


Grove Press was founded in 1951 by Barney Rossett, as an alternative publisher with a literary bent. Grove published the works of Bertold Brecht, Albert Camus and Edward Albee. It merged with The Atlantic Monthly Press in 1993 to form Grove/ Atlantic, Inc. See also "Grove/ Atlantic".

Works in the WWEnd Database





Authors Published

• William Burroughs  • Jeanette Winterson  • James Kunstler  • Robert Butler  • Jack Womack  • G. Wilson  • Ursula Le Guin  • Neal Stephenson  • James Ballard  • Jorge Borges Acevedo  • Sandra Newman  • Kathy Acker   • Robert Coover  • William Kotzwinkle  • Simon Ings  • Aila Sinisalo  • Mikhail Bulgakov  • Ryan Boudinot  • Glen Duncan  • Sheri Holman  • Sadegh Hedayat  • Eric Thacker  • Anthony Earnshaw  • Josh Weil  • Chris Adrian  • Akwaeke Emezi  • Juan Pérez Rulfo Vizcaíno  • Megan Hunter  • Reinaldo Arenas  • Patricia Highsmith  • Sayaka Murata  • Zain Khalid  • An Yu  • Aubrey Beardsley  • Richard Flanagan