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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Houghton Mifflin

Houghton Mifflin

Founded: 1832
Founded by: William Ticknor, James Thomas Fields, Henry Oscar Houghton
Titles/Circulation: Unknown


Houghton Mifflin is one of the oldest American publishers still extant. Founded in 1832, this publishing veteran brought us titles from early American classic authors such as Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry David Thoreau. Today we think of Houghton Mifflin as a school text book publisher, but in fact they are involved in almost all genres to a certain degree. Later in the 19th century, Houghton Mifflin ventured into, and exceled at, text publishing, becoming a giant in that field even before the American Depression hit. After a series of acquisitions and mergers, Houghton Mifflin ended up as a part of "Riverdeep PLC", in a new arrangement referred to as "Houghton Mifflin Riverdeep PLC."

Works in the WWEnd Database




Authors Published

• John Tolkien  • Christopher Tolkien  • Gerald Morris  • John Marsden  • Katie Wilhelm  • Julian May  • Harlan Ellison  • Lois Lowry  • Elizabeth Pope  • Wayne Hammond  • Christina Scull  • Alethea Kontis  • Morgan Llywelyn  • Vonda McIntyre  • Michael Coney  • Eugene Swigart  • Eric Blair  • Douglas Anderson  • Philip Dick  • Isaak Ozimov  • Tom Shippey  • Mary Caraker  • George Packer  • Laura Bickle  • Elizabeth Thomas  • Benjamin Stahl  • William O'Farrell  • Michel Bernanos  • Godfried Bomans  • Peter Singer  • August Cole  • Samantha Hunt  • Corey Olsen  • Edith Pattou  • Andrew Hurley  • Laura Haywood  • Alexis Smith  • Bernard Beckett  • William Kinsella  • Arnold Federbush  • Chauncey Thomas  • Humphrey Carpenter  • Colin Wilson  • Jerzy Kosinski  • Jenny Davidson  • Scarlett Thomas  • John Buchan  • Vivian Vande Velde  • Thomas Robbins  • Robert Wilson  • Edward Bellamy  • Lev Grossman  • Mark Helprin  • Susan Pfeffer  • Nnedimma Okorafor  • Michel Faber  • Nathaniel Hathorne  • Andrew Miller  • Jane Yolen  • Margaret Atwood  • Suzy Charnas  • Joanna Russ  • Iain Banks  • Philip Roth  • Benjamin Bova