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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Purple Zombie

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The Purple Zombie

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Author: Kenneth Robeson
Publisher: Warner Books, 1974
Series: The Avenger: Book 27
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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As the story opens, it is the early 1940s, and Hollywood B-movie starlet Heather Blair is in the middle of shooting a zombie movie when her Uncle Denny knocks at her door--a dead Uncle Denny who is, without a doubt, a real zombie. Cole Wilson, one of the Avenger's associates at Justice, Inc., happens to be visiting the film director at the time and begins to investigate the case. He discovers that Uncle Denny's body was not the only one stolen from the crypt--also missing is Dr. David Franklin Sheehan, who was working on a radio-controlled bomb when he passed away. The Avenger and the rest of Justice, Inc. join Cole in a frantic pursuit to stop a fiendish German spy ring from reincarnating Dr. Sheehan and gaining access to the top-secret plans.


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