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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Pan Books

Pan Books

Founded: 1944
Founded by: Alan Bott
Titles/Circulation: 0


Pan Books was founded by Alan Bott in 1944. Over the next 8 years, a consortium consisting of Collins, Macmillan, Hodder & Stoughton and Heinemann purchased a 48% share in Pan and in 1962, when New American Library attempted to take over, Collins and Macmillan bought Pan outright. In 1969 Heinemann rejoined by buying a third share. As of 2008, just an imprint of the Pan Macmillan Group.

Works in the WWEnd Database


Authors Published

• Peter Hamilton  • Christopher Priest  • Susan Shwartz  • Genevieve Cogman  • Graham Masterton  • John Hynam  • Dan Morgan  • Vic James  • Robert Rankin  • Frank Tallis  • Michael Coney  • Eric Brown  • Robert Shaw  • Robert Heinlein  • Brian Stableford  • Kevin Jeter  • Robert Miall  • Christopher Stasheff  • Lucy Hounsom  • Philip Rickman  • Christopher Claremont  • S. Grey  • Anne Billson  • Robert Cook  • James Stephens  • Maria Ibbotson  • Donald Payne  • Robert Serling  • Peter James  • Laura Lam  • Terence Jones  • Murray Davies  • Christopher Sansom  • Bari Wood  • Deborah Hewitt  • Lois Steinmetz  • John Geasland  • Clare Bell  • Robert Dinsdale  • Russell Braddon  • Henry Beard  • Douglas Kenney  • Agatha Christie  • Francis Reeves-Stevens  • Thomas Scortia  • Joseph Green  • Pauline Whitby  • Frank Frazzetta  • Elizabeth Ballantine  • Nevil Shute  • Henry Haggard  • Adrian Czajkowski  • Douglas Adams  • Adam Nevill  • Brian Hodge  • Douglas Winter  • Paul Cornell  • Frank Robinson  • Boyd Upchurch  • Keith Roberts  • Thomas Sullivan  • Robert Holdstock  • Theodore Klein  • Thomas Tessier  • Leslie Daniels  • Frederik Pohl  • Charles de Lint  • Barry Malzberg  • Julian May  • John Murry  • Robert Silverberg  • Theodore Sturgeon